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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I could take the whole world with me

    On some deeper, darker level, there is a reason why the glowing matters so much to Tarian. He'd like to believe that it doesn't bother him, that it won't bother him later. But the truth was that he had been born with other abilities, with other gifts: he had once been praised by his grandfather - one of the best airbenders in Legado's line - for his ability to call and craft the winds.

    It had been taken from him after the loss of their home, just as easily as his glowing has now come.

    (And though he won't admit it, it makes the Loessian glad that Altissima managed to surprise him. It distracts him from those other thoughts of what was taken and what was given; of how after all these years he still doesn't understand any of it.)

    He cranes his silver to look over at her and Tarian does notice the way her eyes change this time - back to that rich violet he is coming to associate her with. If she glances up long enough, she might notice that while he stifles back another grin, his blue eyes have crinkled at their corners. "I did my best, Lady Wildling." He tells her (Tarian considers just calling her 'Milady' again but he has started to think that this word - Wildling - for the woman who speaks her mind so easily, who seems to brave any thought or stranger so bluntly is more fitting than anything else.) But if he is to be Sir Glow Worm, it's only fair that she have a rank of her own.

    Tarian is about to ask her if that was something she did often, nearly dying. Ask if it was perhaps her idea of fun.

    But @[Altissima] dips into a graceful bow with a pair of wings suddenly emerging at her pale sides. He lifts his head as the Champion peers at them, remembering the way that they had emerged in a similar way at their last meeting. His mind remains there for a moment - remembering the way that she had draped them around her sides when she had gone to the ground. The Loessian remembers mentioning the hot springs to her, a place that most horses enjoyed and the pegasus wonders if she might prove him wrong a second time.

    Surprisingly, he wants to find out.

    "Are those actually usable?" Tarian asks her as his wings and a grin flare, "or are they just a pretty decoration?"

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    RE: I could take the whole world with me - by Tarian - 05-09-2021, 07:41 PM

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