Perhaps her parents lay next to his father for he too succumbed to the salt water in his lungs. Helped along by a murderous hand of course. The injustice of it still hard to bare. Unaware of her lack of knowledge when it comes to kingdoms, he might worry that she would find his home boring and quiet. Compared to the others it was not quite bustling with activity but this doesn't bother him. He rather likes the peace, he likes the silence. The other horses so far were kind and gracious. It’s not like the Gates his father had known, it’s not the Gates he had stepped into when he first decided to call it home. It’s changed quite a bit but the warm fuzzy vibe it gave to those that sought it out as sanctuary.. That never changed.
Surprise that she wants to come see it is followed quickly by a warm feeling that spreads from his chest down to his hooves. She wants to go with you…” It evaporates a bit when she trails off, those unspoken words lingering just as loudly as if she had shouted them. ”That’s not going to happen.” So sure in his words, defiant that such a thing could happen to her. He would not allow it. In the short amount of time they had known each other he had gone from being creeped out by her to feeling strangely protective of her. It was kind of nice, caring about someone’s well being more than your own. ”But I would love for you to see it. Right now!” He comes closer to her side, his muzzle ever so gently touching the side of her neck in an encouraging manner. ”I’ll lead the way.”
L E D G E R |
(Post in Gates?) @[Laura]