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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    no bite marks, no scratches | warship, any.

    i'm on the wrong side of heaven, and the righteous side of hell

    If she had thought for a moment that he had brought her here to be a father figure, then she would be sorely mistaken. He isn’t one to coddle and pet and coo encouraging words. He’d never lavished on his own children and he sure as shit wasn’t going to start on someone else’s product of a one night stand gone awry. He wouldn’t even have the first clue, having never been coddled himself. Maybe he could offer a certain amount of guidance, but honestly that was as far in depth as he went with children. She wasn’t a child per say, but she carried with her the annoying petulance of youth and wore it like a banner.

    Their first meeting in the kingdom had wound up a show of teeth against flesh, so when she approaches he offers her little more than a smirk in welcome. Clearly, she hadn’t had her ass beaten enough as a child, otherwise she’d hold a little more restraint over that shiny silver tongue of hers. But no matter. Father figure he may not be, but an ass whipping was at the top of his list of specialties. He ran his eyes over her quickly, taking note at the sleek musculature developing where once there had been baby fat. Maybe she was learning discipline after all. Good for her. “I don’t remember asking, seeing as I’m not your father or your keeper in general. But that’s good. Surviving is always good. When you‘re doing better than just surviving, then I‘ll give a shit.” he said, cocking a hind leg and swishing his tail against his hocks. He wasn’t always so blunt, but she had a knack for getting under the edges of his skin. For whatever reason he himself had a knack for finding women who knew how to piss him off. It seemed to be an odd talent of his. Just as he was coming up with some smart ass response (tit for tat, and all that bullshit) another stallion approaches. He stank of burnt ash and smoke, and his name is maybe Kushiel. Warship is old, after all, and names often escape him. Either way, he remembers seeing him at the kingdom meeting. The other stallion speaks, and Warship can’t help but laugh. Clearly, he hasn’t met Kimber. “You could offer her a million things to do, and she’d still be sullen. By all means, play with her. But be careful, girls got claws that she isn‘t afraid to use.” he said with a wink in her direction, before flashing his teeth at her. This was mostly all done in fun, but it would do no good for him to grow complacent in her presence.



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    RE: no bite marks, no scratches | warship, any. - by Warship - 09-08-2015, 08:10 PM

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