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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I'd kill for a good coma right now

    s a b a l . 

    Sabal lets out a huff at the fact that she has effectively been caught despite her attempts to divert the conversation away from her own current state affairs. She rolls her eyes and imagines how fun it would be to dunk Maze underwater just a little before the shift in Maze’s attitude takes center stage.
    Okay so this is almost worth the rude awakening. At first Sabal is intrigued by the idea of a visitor, but something about Mazikeen’s expression is…confusing. Like the dumbstruck happiness she’d seen a few minutes ago totally doesn’t mesh with this like…existential dread that she’s seeing. Sabal does not understand the ~vibe.~ But like hell she’s going to tell Maze that.  So the kelpie keeps her mouth shut and listens. Believe it or not, it is something that she’s capable of and is pretty damn good at from time to time.
    ”Cursed,” Sabal repeats, quietly, wondering what that actually means. ”What exactly should my squid senses be looking out for, exactly,” She asks, cocking her head ever so slightly because she mentioned cursed and violence in the same sentence but little more than that. And Sabal had a very active imagination.  Maze was lucky that the rather serious content of the conversation was enough for Sabal to overlook the squid senses quip. For now.
    “He’s important to you,” Sabal states. She does not ask because she has an exceptional ability to read between the lines. Mazikeen would not go through this much effort for just anyone. This would be the perfect moment literally endless teasing, but it doesn’t sit well in Sabal’s stomach considering all that Maze had just divulged.  This was heavy shit. Obviously he was important to her and she’d functionally offered to kill him when this curse consumed him and where Maze was one of the strongest people that Sabal knew…was she that strong? Sabal hated that she doubted her, but her reasons for that doubt were that she knew all the great things that Maze was capable of – and the compassion that lurked below the surface of that fiery exterior.  Maze did everything with a ferocity that not everyone could understand – and that absolutely extended to her relationships. But this? Sabal didn’t want this to be the thing to break her friend.  The unanswered questions spread like a ripple in her mind, and she blinked them away to focus back on the present. 
    “Well you sure how to pick ‘em.” Is what she settled on, a jest sure but in the statement was also the clear acceptance of not only everything that Maze had just told her, but her subtle acknowledgment that she knew.
    ”I won’t tell anyone. I promise. And you know I’ll help you – both of you,”  This was the dangerous sort of secret, especially when Maze implied that this curse was something dangerous.  What Sabal didn’t know if it was dangerous just for Gale or if it was dangerous for everyone else. But at Maze's final words she allows her mood to lighten, somewhat.  Maybe some would be offended, but Sabal isn't going to be offended if it means she gets a present.  And she has a treasure trove hidden at the bottom of the lake that she hasn't shown a soul. 

    "It better be good," she said, finally letting a smile creep upon her features, "I have incredibly high standards, you know."  

    can’t stop staring at those ocean eyes.
    manip by squirt


    Messages In This Thread
    I'd kill for a good coma right now - by Mazikeen - 03-22-2021, 03:23 PM
    RE: I'd kill for a good coma right now - by Sabal - 04-12-2021, 08:08 PM
    RE: I'd kill for a good coma right now - by Sabal - 04-19-2021, 06:16 PM
    RE: I'd kill for a good coma right now - by Sabal - 04-22-2021, 03:52 PM

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