infinity overhead
and i whisper, are you listening?
His name is unfamiliar to her but she offers hers in exchange. ”I’m Tantalize.” Moving closer to him so that the conversation can become a little more private, golden eyes take in the glowing spots with a closer inspection. ”I should probably ask if we are related some how.” She says with a soft laugh, her gaze meeting his with good humor. It wouldn’t be surprising, Beqanna had a way of bringing unsuspecting siblings or relatives together when they least suspected it. Plus both her parents hadn't exactly been considered chaste. Of course they are related. Carnage was her great grandfather and this one’s Dad. Big surprise there. But she still has no idea that she’s related to Carnage even though she’s met the guy after he hurtled out of the atmosphere and landed right before her. Probably a good thing she’s unaware of all this for she can’t help the way she’s drawn to this stallion. The man who is familiar to her only because they share the same spots.