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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  let's go out in flames so everyone knows who we are, tiercel
    You think I'll be the Dark Sky so you can be the Star?
    I'll Swallow you Whole.
    She is used to waiting. As a star she had done nothing but wait—wait for the day she would collapse in on herself, wait to be nothing, wait for a galaxy to swallow her into darkness. 

    But waiting for him, with a heart that throbbed with every beat in her chest, with strange emotions that she still couldn’t name roiling like a storm that clouds her veins, was an entirely different thing. She almost forgot about the stars. She found herself staring into the dark closest to the ground rather than the dark of the sky, hoping that when the shadows stirred to life it would be him and not the creatures that crawled the red rocks of Loess now. She looked at the lake that had taken him, she fought the urge to sacrifice herself to its depths just to see if it would take her too, and Kamaria is the only thing that keeps her here. 

    ”Do you miss my dad?” their daughter had asked her, and though her answer had only been two words, just a quietly spoken, ”I do,” the weight of them was like an anchor that could have drug her to the bottom of the sea. For her to miss anyone was such a strange emotion for her, but for her to miss him on this level—to the extent that sorrow has settled into her bones, to miss him in a way that makes her chest ache and consumes her mind—was something even she could hardly grasp.

    When the sun rose she had stared at the sky, frozen in disbelief. It almost felt like a trap; like a flash of light just before the end, something to finish the rest of them off, and while there was a time she had hoped that when she died she would be returned to the stars, she finds instead that she only wants to go where Tiercel and Kamaria will be, too.

    From the other end of Loess it takes her too long to get to the lake that had taken him. She runs beneath the newborn light, ignoring the way it feels too bright and hot after being in the dark for so long. Stones clatter and fall down the ridge as she makes her way down the path, and when she reaches the edge of it the water is clear and calm, giving no hint to the turmoil that had taken place. She turns, a foreign desperation tightening her throat as her impossibly dark eyes search for any sign that he has returned, but the landscape refuses to give anything away.

    She is following the path that would lead her back to the cave, the one that she thought of as theirs, and doing her best to temper the despair that was trying to take root in her mind. She had thought the return of the light would mean the return of Tiercel, but perhaps she had been wrong, and in reality, it had been foolish to think anything would ever be that simple. 

    It’s why when she looks up to find him, the expression on her face is nearly unreadable. The white of her face is still hard and sharp like cut marble, with eyes dark like starless-galaxies as she stares at him, afraid to hope, afraid to feel any kind of relief should the world try to strip it from her again. “Tiercel,” she says his name in a cautious, questioning way as if to speak it out loud would startle the ghost of him away. She takes a step forward, and then another until she can reach to brush her nose against the curve of his jaw. He feels solid, and warm, the way that he always has, and she almost presses into him, but something stops her. She is uncertain, afraid that being away has changed him, has made him dislike her, that maybe he would be disappointed that she had not found a way to fix this herself.

    “I didn’t know how to find you,” an almost whisper as she withdraws, and regret rises to the surface of her dark purple eyes. “I’m so sorry.”

    @[Tiercel] you get my only, very bad, post <3 congrats/I'm sorry.

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    let's go out in flames so everyone knows who we are, tiercel - by Islas - 04-19-2021, 12:58 PM

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