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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  so promise me a place in your house of memories (obscene)


    Already the mare has found herself wandering back to the meadows.

    Perhaps it is for a reason of comfort. It would make sense, she supposes, because yes, she is in fact quite unsure of her own instincts in coming here. Her eyes drift gradually down to the lush grasses beneath her knives. Soft, whiskery as they brush at her flanks. The blades are green as ever, a dark tint to them. They are beautiful. It is no wonder, then, she figures, why she would seek a place of well-being here. Prosperity. It's a feeling she doesn't think she has felt in quite some time, but this time around she's diving head-first into the internal joy this place gives her. Well, why shouldn't she? Although she wasn't trying to dwell on the past, considering what had transpired these past couple of years..... Eirlys, personally, would say she was in desperate need for some rest.

    Her ears angle multiple directions as she gives her surroundings one last wistful awed scan. She takes it all in, absorbs it like fresh, clear water. She is at peace now, after what'd seemed like eons upon eons. Thankful she is, despite her usual preference of not necessarily showing it. She puffs out her forequarters and continues onward through the seas of flowers, taking her time with each step, drinking in the sweet air of the morning. A moment, maybe a couple, passes, and she then spots the boy.

    He is a blackish thing of a horse. He looks young, maybe about Eirlys's own age. The dapple mare snorts. She'd been looking for a nice, therapeutic place free of any extra horses. But, suppose in the end she can't always get her way: a severe misfortune, in her opinion.

    She also supposed, the only way to get rid of him would be to approach him and say something. Speak up with her discomforts. She was the boss here, after all. From what she could tell she was older than the man by at least a year. A smirk twists her ebony lips and she begins her prance toward him. The ears are pricked, and the smirk, while still mostly a smirk, is a light one. The mare is looking to begin the interaction casually, rather than suspiciously.

    THOUGHTS | "SPEECH" | 380 Words


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    so promise me a place in your house of memories (obscene) - by Eirlys - 04-18-2021, 11:53 PM

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