Immediate recognition surfaces in Ea’s fiery eyes – orange and red and yellow, a constant flame, a banner of her heritage. Scorch wonders where the child’s true heritage mark is, not simply the genetic ones she has inherited. Somewhere on the small child’s body, a small tattoo of fire lay. Upon Noori, it sprouted upon the underside of her face. Upon Simeon, it hid beneath his silky mane on the arch of his neck. On the others, Scorch cannot be sure. She wants to be sure this time.
Ea begins wandering from her mother’s side. Scorch has noticed that each of her children do so very quickly, almost instantly. She is not insulted, in fact, she is proud. Their independence means that a trait from generations ago have been passed down. From Echion to Scorch and now to all the little Scortoni babies; each have their own lives. None are dependent on their parents, though some appreciate their company more than others. Scorch prays to the Gods that Ea will perhaps grow to appreciate her mother, too.
In the brief time that mother and daughter have to themselves, Scorch watches the silver girl intently. She watches the way Ea seems to know exactly where to place her dainty hooves, as though the Jungle speaks to her the way it spoke and will continue to speak to the Khaleesi. A smile colours her fiery face; she is in paradise.
A warmth spreads through her when the girl returns to her side, precociously asking if she could rest her darling head. Scorch extends her neck, caressing the girl as she speaks. ”Rest tonight, Ea. Tomorrow we begin training.” She is about to go on, to explain just why the girl will be magnificent, when another child ambles over. Flattening her ears, Scorch raises herself to her full height and steps over her daughter, hiding her between her legs. When the small thing has only one word to say, Scorch eases her ears forward.
No one messes with her children.
”Hello. I am Scorch, and this is princess Ea.” The title suits the silverling, and a smile curls upon her anciently scarred lips. ”Who are you, child? Are you of the Jungle?”
Khaleesi of the Amazon Jungle
The last question is just to see if she wants to be on the board or not, so answer accordingly