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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    DESOLATION COMES UPON THE SKY - Yael, Rhy, Camrynn, Pevensie.


    Rhy comments quietly on Scorch’s mention of her childhood, though it sounds incredibly like a question dances just behind that simple phrase. The Khaleesi smiles wryly. ”When we get back, I’ll tell you all about it, if you’d like.” And she means to do just that. Her ambassador has always been someone she could trust, ever since Simeon’s birth and the day she found out that Rhy is Kagerou’s granddaughter. There’s always been a spark between them – pun – and Scorch genuinely wants to grow that spark into a lightning storm. But alas, duty calls.

    Scorch cannot read minds. Had she known Yael’s thoughts, she would have been stunned. Not simply because wishing for a broken alliance between two of the most powerful kingdoms would be chaotic, but because Scorch assumed that the golden woman valued the alliance and trusted Scorch and the sisterhood to do the same. With no supernatural mental powers, however, Scorch simply surges on and does the exact opposite of what the golden rose seems to be wanting.

    ”We come to offer you the Jungle’s condolences, for Vanquish was a great king and man. Furthermore, we come to reaffirm our alliance regardless of the newly chosen ruler. We trust you to put someone of worth on the throne.” Her thoughts flicker momentarily to little Cammie, wondering if in fact she had gone and done exactly what Katriel had at her supposed age. But it truly does not matter – the sisterhood have made their chose. ”We will stand united with the Deserts first and foremost, though the Jungle has branched out in other areas, too.”

    ((I’m breaking the timeline a bit here, sorreh!)) Eyeing the horizon for oncoming horses, Scorch falls silent for some time, allowing Rhy to add anything else that she may have forgotten. Her words are the united voices of her sisters, but she is no god. Scorch trusts her ambassador to cover what she has not. When all has been said, Scorch’s dragon eyes return to Yael’s. ”Tell me, has the new ruler been chosen?”


    Khaleesi of the Amazon Jungle

    Ooc – Im real sorry for the delay. I had to wait for everyone to vote on stuff AND THEY DONE VOTED//OTHER STUFFZ HAPPENED so here’s my reply and I’m sorry that it’s so so so late *cries* But yeah. I WOULD LOVE YOU ALL IF YOU WANTED TO REPLY SINCE THE TIMELINE ISNT REAAAALLY MESSED.
    [Image: scorch2.png]

    Messages In This Thread
    DESOLATION COMES UPON THE SKY - Yael, Rhy, Camrynn, Pevensie. - by Scorch - 04-10-2015, 04:38 PM

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