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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Catch that mirror way out west - Any

    The light that meets the dark

    An entire season faded away in the dark, and Cheri’s parents did not come home. She’d not seen hide nor tail hair of Targaryen, which worried her immensely, but she had confirmed that other souls clung to this realm of the living, most important of them being her twin brother Reynard. The shackled ball-and-chain of her failed quest to return light to the world still clung to Cheri’s body as well, though not as strongly as it had when she’d first landed on the beach some time ago. She was only part-ghost now, hair weighed down by gravity again and her hooves capable of tripping over unseen obstacles in the dark once more, but her voice and mannerisms had yet to return to any sense of normalcy.

    She still felt hollow on the inside, even if she wasn’t on the outside, and Cheri’s voice was still light and airy when she used it. Deadpan, void of stronger emotions, but still a feathery pitch one octave above a whisper. The trauma of her grandmother’s death still sat like stone in the middle of her gut, weighing her down. Cheri was uncertain if it would ever lift again.

    The world continued to sink further into despair regardless.

    What was once novel horror, now was common occurrence: the activity of the things that’d spilled over into Beqanna seemed frenzied now, as if preparing for something. Cheri was senseless to leave Taiga but she did it often anyways, reasoning there wasn’t any use in pretending like things were going to be fine. Her heart had fully accepted the possibility that these were the final days to come even if her mouth refused to form the words it took to say as much. A switch turned on inside of her, and she spent her pointless hours floating off to see the things she might never see again.

    “Pity.” She sighed with a lackluster flick of her tail, stopping on her journey to look over the meadow and its black expanse of nothingness. The past caught up to her, detaching her mind from the present so as to escape a certain anxious fear that always came when she was forced to face the reality of her world dying, and Cheri let the false comfort of her own memories sweep her up and away from this place for just a minute.

    In the darkness, a figure broke free and outlined itself against the backdrop of the Eclipse, and Cheri came to her senses when she noticed it was another horse. Surprised, her wings fluttered open and readied themselves for escape, but her eyes remained curiously trained on the stranger and her ears remained optimistically upturned, almost as if she were hoping for any excuse not to fly away.


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    Catch that mirror way out west - Any - by Cheri - 03-29-2021, 08:12 PM

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