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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I'll tell ya what i want, what i really really want...
    This has been Vital Information with Lori Beth Denberg....*All That theme plays*

    Each question below has a corresponding point value beside it, you must get the question correct in its entirety to receive the points! That means if I ask for the movie and the character, both will have to be included in the answer to get the credit! The six characters with the least amount of points at the end of this round will be eliminated. If a tiebreaker is needed, there will be an additional “lightning round”. DO NOT POST YOUR ANSWERS HERE, YOU WILL BE ELIMINATED.

    1. [5] Name two of the ingredients Sally adds to the soup/concoction that she then feeds to Dr. Finklestein in the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas:

    2. [7] You’re on vacation and decide to go on a sightseeing tour. A man in black starts to follow you and your brother and suddenly you can’t remember your own last names. You can’t find your parents either, what book are you from? Note: This book was also adapted into a two-part TV episode.

    3. [7] What kind of fruit does Mrs. Doubtfire throw at the back of (and hit!) Stu’s head in the pool scene of the movie Mrs. Doubtfire?

    4. [10] Your life is pretty cool. You get to travel the country with your entertainer mom, you have an awesome website and totally rad paranormal stuff happens to you all the time. Who are you and what TV show are you from?

    5. [3] What edible item’s flavor sadly only lasted a few minutes but had a cool zebra on the packaging AND tattoos inside?

    6. [7] In the Disney movie
    Hercules, what does it say on the Hercules-themed sandals that Pain wears in a scene where Hades furiously asks him, “what are those?!”

    7. [5] In the season one opening credits of the TV series 
    Aaahh!!! Real Monsters, what time is it on the clock?

    8. [10] You’ve daydreamed about being Tom Sawyer, Robin Hood, Frankenstein and even Hercules(among so many others)! You’re very well read (classic literature please!) even though you can’t talk and Joe, costumes and belly rubs are some of your favorite things! Who are you and what TV show are you from?

    9. [5] Also slang for a kind of drink, what is the name of the reality show centered on kids at summer camp?

    10. [7] Who said school couldn’t be fun? You’ve been eaten and you’ve been to space, exploring inside bodies and visiting dinosaurs are no big deal either. What show are you from?

    11. [5] When Judy and Peter first discover
    Jumanji in the game pile, what’s the name of the game that was lying directly on top of it?

    12. [10] At two you had already learned to take care of yourself, at four you had already read every magazine in the house and at six you were visiting the library nearly every day with your little red wagon. You’re very special. Who are you and what movie are you from?  

    13. [7] In the movie
    Hocus Pocus, during trick-or-treating, what does the little sister tell the “bullies” that Max is dressed up as?

    14. [10] All you wanted to do was get out of the rain. Instead, you hit your head, made three unusual friends, had run-ins with a dragon, pirates AND an evil doctor! Who are you and what movie are you from?

    15. [5] In the movie
    Hook, what color hair do the three mermaids have that save Peter when he’s thrown overboard?

    16. [7] Since moving to your new house friendly spirits have helped you visit your sick parent and even helped your seeds to grow! Aren’t you glad you and your sister met them? What movie are you from?  

    17. [5] In the movie
    All Dogs Go to Heaven, how many pieces of pepperoni are on the slice of pizza on top of Charlie’s head in the “What’s Mine Is Yours” scene with all the puppies?

    18. [7] In the movie
    Babe, how does Mrs. Hoggett find out that her husband, Farmer Hoggett, was competing in the sheepdog trials with Babe?  

    19. [5] In the kitchen scene of
    Drop Dead Fred when he lays on his back and slides across the floor to look up Lizzie’s mother’s dress, what does he point up and say?


    [10] What green monster was featured on a commercial for a course teaching children new languages? This commercial was literally on every day.

    [7] This author wrote two of my favorite books as a child, one centered around a pack of wolves and one centered around a deer. Who is the author?

    Kindly e-mail(or PM for those of you that originally used that method) your answers to the same e-mail you provided your character information, but add the subject line round two. Failure to include the requested subject line will result in a loss of 10 points. You have until 8:30PM EST on 9/8/15 to get your answers to me via e-mail or PM.

    Messages In This Thread
    I'll tell ya what i want, what i really really want... - by Amandalynn - 09-07-2015, 06:08 PM

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