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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Sometimes the heart can lead you astray [any]

    one lives in hope of becoming a memory

    It was only a trickle of fear, but enough to draw the attention of someone–someone with a very similar gift to mine. Even from the beginning, when the echo was but a subtle shimmer on the air, I could feel it softly embracing the span between us. It does not hit with the same subtle shift in which it was born, however. It hits hard and harsh, and instantly, I put up my guard; a guard which I had spent months honing with father that would keep her out of my head.

    My legs stiffen beneath me while my head shifts upward. I have every expectation to be facing shadows when I look around to find her (for I know it’s a her by the faint signature of the echo), but there is no need to search because she glows, like me. Like my father, and my grandmother. Granted, she glows a more natural, soft yellow, while my legs glow to match my blue tail. The glowing markings weren’t the only things that were oddly familiar about the other mare, though. For one, she shares my echoes, echoes that had also been passed down to my father from my grandmother. And by the soft glow of her legs, I can see that she also bears an eerie resemblance to my father’s twin–though I’d only ever seen an echo or my uncle, so the memory is hazy.

    Her obvious familiarity throws me off for a moment, but I pull my thoughts back to the situation at hand, storing my suspicions so I could focus on the mare, who was obviously prickly about my presence. “You’re a long way from home,” she says, and in it I can hear the threat on her voice. Her next statement makes me grin, though, and a bark of laughter leaves my lips. “Now why would you think we would ever need to hide?”

    I pause, only briefly, contemplatively, then continue, “Or maybe you’re the one in hiding? I mean, you’re obviously ignorant of the fact that we are everywhere and have been for a very long time.” By long time, I really only mean for as long as I have been alive. But technically it is true for even longer than that. I know for a fact that Cheri and I have wandered to some pretty far corners of Beqanna just ourselves, and father was always disappearing to other lands (and I would beg him for details every time he returned home). I know that others within my family had also traveled outside of our borders, as well.


    Image by Calcifer

    @[Aela] So, I realized that in my first post, I said Mem emits a soft “golden” glow, and I don’t know why, because she’s always glowed a soft blue. Lmao! But yeah, dunno if you noticed that or not, but figured I’d comment so you weren’t confused in case you did.

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    RE: Sometimes the heart can lead you astray [any] - by Memorie - 03-11-2021, 07:03 PM

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