03-11-2021, 03:19 PM

And the walls kept tumbling down in the city that we love
Only the strength of Gale supporting her keeps Eyas from collapsing entirely. Everything in her world that was once important to her now disappears: her children, Santana, their future. There’s only Gale and the impending doom to think about, and it consumes her entirely until Eyas is sobbing at his hooves, broken from the news and what guilt it washes over her. She’d thought she could sink no further, and now this weight he bears will drown them both.
For a long while there’s only the sound of Eyas cracking and Gale trying to piece her back together. He soothes her, comforts her the only way he knows how and because of it, Eyas feels even worse. She should be the strong one now, she should be the one comforting him, not the other way around! The little mare knew it like a shard of pain in her breast and still she wept, in total disbelief of the world and its inhumane cruelty.
After a while the tears were spent. Eyas was dry and numb, completely outside of herself and only briefly glad to have sent her children away when she did. They shouldn’t see her like this; no-one should see her like this, not even Gale. But the years of keeping everything in and holding her anger so close backfired, and the shock of the unthinkable suddenly becoming reality was all it had taken for her to revert back to those months after first losing him.
“What?” She cracked her lips apart and asked, confused. Was he planning for the inevitable then? Just giving up, like that?
“Bucket list? Asking the Fae to take away your healing? That’s your plan?” Eyas said, sarcastically. “No… no. It didn’t work with dad, Gale. Why would death work for you? No—you’re not thinking.” The buckskin mare started in. She shifted away, erratic and desperate for him to hear her out. “I’ve had a lot of time to think about this, how it might’ve gone differently, and I believe there is another way.” Eyas pleaded with him.
Something she knew the others had ignored or missed. Something that the accursed had always wanted. “It just needs another host, Gale. That’s all!” His triplet laughed, a bit maniacal. She shrugged, as if it were the simplest answer in the universe. He could keep his healing, have another horse eat his heart, and then grow a new one! Gale just needed to find another horse to transfer the curse onto, and then he’d be free. Wolfbane had been trying to do it—she remembered his obsession with creating more offspring at the end—so maybe they could actually make it happen. Hopefully before he turns into a literal horny monster, Eyas thought.
For a long while there’s only the sound of Eyas cracking and Gale trying to piece her back together. He soothes her, comforts her the only way he knows how and because of it, Eyas feels even worse. She should be the strong one now, she should be the one comforting him, not the other way around! The little mare knew it like a shard of pain in her breast and still she wept, in total disbelief of the world and its inhumane cruelty.
After a while the tears were spent. Eyas was dry and numb, completely outside of herself and only briefly glad to have sent her children away when she did. They shouldn’t see her like this; no-one should see her like this, not even Gale. But the years of keeping everything in and holding her anger so close backfired, and the shock of the unthinkable suddenly becoming reality was all it had taken for her to revert back to those months after first losing him.
“What?” She cracked her lips apart and asked, confused. Was he planning for the inevitable then? Just giving up, like that?
“Bucket list? Asking the Fae to take away your healing? That’s your plan?” Eyas said, sarcastically. “No… no. It didn’t work with dad, Gale. Why would death work for you? No—you’re not thinking.” The buckskin mare started in. She shifted away, erratic and desperate for him to hear her out. “I’ve had a lot of time to think about this, how it might’ve gone differently, and I believe there is another way.” Eyas pleaded with him.
Something she knew the others had ignored or missed. Something that the accursed had always wanted. “It just needs another host, Gale. That’s all!” His triplet laughed, a bit maniacal. She shrugged, as if it were the simplest answer in the universe. He could keep his healing, have another horse eat his heart, and then grow a new one! Gale just needed to find another horse to transfer the curse onto, and then he’d be free. Wolfbane had been trying to do it—she remembered his obsession with creating more offspring at the end—so maybe they could actually make it happen. Hopefully before he turns into a literal horny monster, Eyas thought.
Grey clouds roll over the hills, bringing darkness from above
@[Gale] wow what a roller coaster ride this has been
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