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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  even the sun was afraid of you and the weight you carried; iridian


    She frowns at him, something soft and delicate as she shakes her head and tries to understand how that could possibly be true. “I can’t be the only one.” She tells him, and the idea is so far fetched that she actually gives him a tentative smile in one corner of her mouth in case this is some joke she does not understand. But his gaze is bright and steady when it finds hers, and there is an absence of any humor resting there in the gold. “Then they don’t know you like I know you.” She decides, and her eyes are a shade of navy so pale they might be glass, so soft they might be made of flower petals. “You have been very kind to me.” And she says it with a decisive kind of affection, something small and shy and blushing, something that promises his gentleness with her has not gone unnoticed.

    But the affection is something strange and unfamiliar, something that ties knots in her chest and pushes against her ribs until they feel bruised. So she shies away from it readily, abandoning the unfamiliarity for the bright, wide grin he flashes her next. He wants to fly! She feels giddy with delight, but it doesn’t bubble up from her like messy sunshine, it finds her in the flash of an easy smile and a delicate warmth in her eyes. “Okay,” she tells him, and there is no time lost, no warning before a pair of elegant dark gold wings appear at his withers as though they have always been there, always his, “how’s that?” But she’s being modest now, smiling crookedly because they are from a magic she has perfected, from a color she stole from the deepest parts of his molten eyes.

    They are his in every way it is possible for her to make them be.

    She cannot help herself, she surges gracefully closer, reaching out to touch her lips to the broad muscles at the base of the wings where they spring from his shoulders, to taste the sunshine in the gold of the most delicate feathers. They are beautiful, but they don’t compare to him. Nothing could compare to the brightness of the boy she sees each time he claims her gaze with his.

    “Come on,” she says, and her voice is so soft with exhilaration, her navy eyes an eager, fathomless blue as she flings her wings open and leaps into the air as though she is weightless for a moment. “You’ll know what to do, I think, because it’s a dream. I’ve been told dreams always make sense until you wake up.” Then her wings flap hard to push her forward and she banks in a wide circle around him so that he can hear her when she says, “Try to keep up, okay?” But her eyes are brighter than they’ve ever been, brighter even than the smile that infuses her with a warmth like sunshine because there is not a single chance she would ever leave him behind.


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    RE: even the sun was afraid of you and the weight you carried; iridian - by iridian - 03-08-2021, 06:02 PM

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