If they aren’t broken then it’s their darkness that calls him forth. It’s a warm spring night and he prefers the coolness of the Chamber or the ice winds of his mountain home. However he is here, stalking the field. The Mountains are far too quiet these days. It seems to just be him, the little minnow, and their daughter. Wherever Saige has gone even the ravens don’t know. It’s not the first time a horse has just disappeared into thin air in these lands. And when she returns, as they are bound to do, he will hunt her down. Punish her. Put her back to where she belonged. For now though he will replace her. And this silver mare who has just appeared before him will do.
Crimson eyes narrow on her, seeing the shadows that play in her eyes. This one was a little more interesting than the broken ones he usually collected. This one had some double potential. Potential for the harem, potential for the Chamber… Perhaps. The wraith makes his way through the tall grasses, easily coming to her side silently and quickly. Yellowed teeth find their way to her shoulder, a sharp nip placed strategically as he hisses. ”You are mine.” He doesn’t like to mince words or waste time. He takes what is his, spirits it away, and plays with it later.
- - - - - The Big Bad Wolf |