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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    they all come into the light [round 2]
    <center> <Div style="width: 550px; padding-right: 5px; padding-left: 5px; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; background-color:ffffff;"> <Div style="width: 550px; padding-right: 5px; padding-left: 5px; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; background-color:ffffff;"><Div style="width: 460px; border-left:10px solid #141615; border-right:10px solid #141615; text-align:justify; font-family:timesnewroman; font-size:11px; line-height:13px; background-color:#ffffff; padding:10px;"><font color="141615">

    Once a man who would’ve watched this crowd’s interactions eagerly for all their subtle nuances and emotions, his gaze flits across each newcomer upon arrival before settling back to the dark woods surrounding them. His weary mind barely pays attention to their faces, their words exchanged, their frail or sturdy forms, instead he is focused on looking out for any sign of the monsters that haunt this bleak realm. His fellow equines come one after another until they don’t. The calming presence that had settled his nerves ever so slightly was no match for the growing twist in his growling gut at the nothingness. A nothingness that was only broken by a glow that sprung forth in the oppressive darkness behind him, making his hide flinch and mismatched head snap back around.

    Red, blue, green, violet, orange, yellow, indigo and in the center two equine creatures he’s never seen before. After glancing over the walking corpse that had arrived previously, he had no shock left to feel over the many-eyed beings. Despite their obvious wariness, Kaenros could sense their power and knew they were the ones who had called. Finally, his nervously flickering gaze came to a rest, searching through each of their eyes as they spoke. He didn’t know what he was hoping to see behind the fatigue, but the burnished stallion found some small semblance of safety in their presence.

    That sliver of peace was once again destroyed when they spoke of how the monsterous creatures could not be killed. Vengeful or lost spirits were not new to Kaenros but the dread he felt realizing that that thing Dretch had destroyed beneath her elephant form was still writhing in its puddle-like state was enough to bring bile up the back of his throat. Even though it had tried to kill him, and may have succeeded if not for her intervention, there was a strong sense of pity for the thing now that he knew of its origins and the state they had left it in. He barely hears the rest of their speech. He understands they must rescue some lost entities of this realm who could in turn save him but any specifics were all but lost upon his pinned ears. The fairies’ silence allows his fractured mind to wander.

    If these creatures before them are not strong enough to do it how will this group be?

    And Kaenros? Kaenros is a coward.

    A coward that should <I>leave</I>.

    Leave as soon as possible.

    Leave as quickly as his raw hind end would allow him.

    He had no business being here surrounded by brutish stallions, colorful mares, a rotten, walking corpse, and <I>children</I> of all things. Some have yet to reach basic maturity let alone shed all their fuzz and these <I>things</I> want them to help. Then a choice was presented as the fairies part. Rescue or distraction. It doesn’t surprise him that a pegasus filly who clung to her mother moves to join the rescue along with the young mare surrounded in angrily flittering fireflies. It seems to be the safest option. Then the first filly to arrive, Memorie the glowing girl, moves ahead. She seemed strong and confident despite her age. A little leader. The fourth is an older mare of strange purple coloring who seems to be the most sure of those who have offered themselves so far.

    He wished he could feel useful but Kaenros is made of sinew, wiry muscles, and thin bones. Even more so now than upon his arrival due to lack of nutrition and fear. His only bred purpose was to run. <I>To run away from this hellscape and these entities who wish for sacrifices to their “Aftlerlife”.</I> But if these kidnapped beings are powerful enough to save his realm, they are powerful enough to send him back to Palamov. So he stays to offer the only thing he can, hoping it would be enough to sway their favor to help him leave if he survived. Long, black limbs carry the mottled stallion towards the fairy that had requested distractions. He was going to die here regardless if he did not act on this tiny sliver of hope. There were threats on all fronts from monsters to infection, from starvation to fear.

    Better to die trying than to waste away in the dark.


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    RE: they all come into the light [round 2] - by Kaenros - 03-01-2021, 06:49 PM

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