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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    you're only as sick as your secrets
    The last thing I’d expected was this happening to me, which is what everyone says I’m sure. No one travels to the common lands thinking they’ll start a fight in public, but somehow here I am - here we are, me and the most annoying bitch I’ve ever met in my life (which was saying a lot), playing mind games with each other. If it wasn’t obvious to the others that we were disagreeing before, now the rest are starting to catch on. I mean, I’d charged at a little wisp of a thing in broad daylight; not a very subtle or charming thing for a young stallion to do. They were bound to catch on at some point, or get caught in the crossfire.

    That was the way it went, the few times I pushed myself past my limits. Things got out of control. I’d let the golden girl have her fun, but I resigned not to let her have the comfort of watching me crack, so I chose physical violence instead. She might have a weird brain between her ears, but if it was one thing I definitely had on the weaker sex, it was usually weight class-related.

    “There she is!” I taunted her roughly, savoring the piercing sound of her voice as she threatened me. As I passed by, I sank into the earth and dipped one wing toward the ground, skidding to try and turn back for a good look at her. I wanted to see that fire, that spark she thought was so punitive and glorious in her gaze. “Didn’t like that much, did we darling?” I growled through a smile.

    The leathery gold of my hide sang as I cracked my black tail across it, and I sneered; she could try and come over here, try to take the wings off my back. She could damn well try. For a moment my wings flared again, spreading out like a cape at my sides, and I dipped back to pick up my forehooves in case she felt like being stupid and actaully going through with it. Not here, I told myself reasonably, thinking of why I shouldn’t just charge her again and be done with it. The stinging interest of a few nearby horses was too risky to be calculated. One might get ideas and try to break us up.

    As badly as I wanted to prove the palomino twit wrong, I’d rather be able to take my time about it, kill her the right way you know. Slowly.

    Which meant the party was over. I pushed off and let my wings do the work after that, dragging me up with gusty flaps. The wind whipped at my hair as I drew back, ascending and keeping her in my line of sight best I could manage, and that instant I remembered we’d never gotten the chance to trade names. A shame, I thought. Only because it’d be easier to find her later, and I was definitely going to find her later. We had unfinished business now, her and I, and if the dame thought I was letting her off easy or running from the fight then good. She was as stupid as she looked.

    I had her in my thoughts, now. I knew the smell of her insolence and would remember the way she walked, along with the few words she had said. Never thought I’d be the one here, fighting a mare in public, and I never thought I’d need a Shit List either but hey… the world works in mysterious ways.


    [Image: decgetu-410f2b50-f05d-4438-bd4c-5d54e999...4Ft1YXr36M]

    Messages In This Thread
    you're only as sick as your secrets - by Aela - 12-11-2020, 11:40 PM
    RE: your only as sick as your secrets - by Aela - 12-31-2020, 11:31 AM
    RE: you're only as sick as your secrets - by Aela - 01-15-2021, 03:04 PM
    RE: you're only as sick as your secrets - by Aela - 02-06-2021, 01:55 PM
    RE: you're only as sick as your secrets - by Aela - 02-18-2021, 10:42 PM
    RE: you're only as sick as your secrets - by Narcisus - 02-25-2021, 12:34 PM

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