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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    In the middle of the darkest nights [Yanhua]

    despite the overwhelming odds, tomorrow came

    The threads of my plan were already beginning to unravel at Yanhua’s mention that he couldn’t use his empathic echoes. I look up at him, worry evident on my face. What could have possibly interfered with his abilities to send and receive emotional memories? I hoped that it would just be something as simple as worry and fear overwhelming him. I reach across the distance that separates us, having to step forward slightly so that my nose can brush against his shoulder, a gentle, comforting touch. But I still remain close to Amarine, knowing she needs me more than him right now.

    Memorie also steps forward. She gathers up a happy memory of herself, Reynard and Cheri playing that first day they had met and sends it out to all three of us, myself, Yanhua and Amarine, in an attempt to raise our spirits. “We will find them,” she reiterates the sentiment that I had already said numerous times, as if hoping the rallying call would perk up their spirits enough to get a move on.

    I nod when Yanhua begins to speak the new plan, though I worry that perhaps he might need someone a bit stronger than Memorie, who is still but a small filly, just beginning to grow into her adult figure. I can tell that Yanhua’s leg bothers him greatly, and I feel like he would do well to have someone to lean against. Though, this could also be me grasping at reasons to be by his side after his absence for so long.

    Before he could finish speaking the ideas of a new plan, however, a small voice breaks the stiff silence that had followed Yanhua’s plan. I could see him stiffen, and for a moment, I feel like this trip up the Mountain had done more damage than just his knee or the worry he experienced over his children, but my attention lingers on this for only half a second before Reynard makes his way into the dim glow that surrounds his father.

    In that moment, a lot happens. All of our voices mingle in calling out to the young boy, and our bodies bump together in the rush to approach him, though he seems more intent on comforting his mother than paying attention to the rest of us. I choke back sobs of relief as I back away slightly, allowing both mother and father to fret over the child. Memorie seems to understand this, too, and steps back with me, gently brushing her nose against mine.

    But there is still something missing. Only one child had entered the small clearing where we stood, but not his sister, and that moment of elation turns back to worry. Yanhua wastes no time in asking of her, though, but I could see it in the look in his eyes, Reynard did not know where Cheri was. I look to Memorie, and she is quick to understand. She steps forward. “If Reynard is here, perhaps Cheri is as well? You guys stay here,” she pauses, her eyes obviously traveling to her father’s wounded knee, “I will go look!” Before anyone could object, she had darted off into the darkness. I stand there, looking absolutely flabbergasted and perturbed. “Okay,” I say with mild annoyance tinging my voice, “just run off without anyone saying ‘okay.’”

    It wasn’t long before something happened, though. Memorie didn’t appear in the darkness, but she sends an elated memory that can only mean one thing: she has, at the very least, located Cheri’s whereabouts. I look to @[Yanhua] and @[Amarine] and Reynard. Had they felt it, too? Judging by the looks on their faces, they had.


    Photo by Sharon McCutcheon from Unsplash

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    RE: In the middle of the darkest nights [Yanhua] - by Borderline - 02-14-2021, 03:09 PM

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