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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  once upon a time, when the sun still used to shine

    Her fire aura winks out as Mazikeen screams Wishbone’s name, orange eyes wide with horror and despair as she realizes she’s failed to keep the other mare safe - as she watches Wishbone fall into the blood-soaked grass.

    So much blood.

    And then the white-hot anger that Mazikeen had felt with Firion takes over. This time, she’s not silent. This time, she screams with feral rage and the twisting pain of failure. Little flicks through her mind in the way of coherent thought, she’s blinded by the emotions boiling within her. She doesn’t notice the light, the disappearance of Wishbone’s body, or the reappearance. The upper jaw of the creature eventually breaks in her iron grip, but she knows it’s too late. Too late to save the new friend she's made in the shadows.

    The creature in her grip bucks her off, wild with pain and its own anger as its remaining eye focuses on Wishbone's new form. Mazikeen-the-gorilla is sent flying but she’s able to grip the branches of a tree in her strong arms and swing back down to the ground.

    She sees someone pull bones from the earth and send them flying towards the beast.

    Confusion eddies into the rage but it’s not enough to stop her.

    She doesn’t currently have the ability to puzzle out what has just happened and the rational part of her mind that knows this purple mare is Wishbone is not loud enough to be heard.

    The monster trapped, Mazikeen attacks without hesitation. Her shapeshifting flicking her through a dozen shapes as she snaps and tears and screams. The thick blood of the beast coats her, mixing with her own, mixing with what she splashes and steps in from Wishbone. Each heartbeat she is something new, all vicious shapes, all with the same burning orange eyes.

    She’s tried to shift like this when she’s been calm, and she is fairly quick, but it is so slow compared to when there’s nothing inside of her but fire, rage, and pain.

    The body stops moving at some point but she doesn’t notice - she wants to see it pulverized, wants all traces of it wiped from this earth. She’s forgotten Wishbone is there, standing and alive, she just sees the blood of the monster mixing in the dark with that of her friend and loses herself to the frenzy.

    image by Reitro


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    RE: once upon a time, when the sun still used to shine - by Mazikeen - 02-07-2021, 04:35 PM

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