He takes pride in her unsure response, the look in her carnation-colored eyes brings him more joy than she would ever know. She tells him that she was made this way, that nothing of any significance, magic or otherwise created this disgrace. Disgusting. The thought is a red marquee, rolling continuously along his mind. One would never truly know though, could not discern his hate mixed love for it all, his face would not betray him. His features remain artful, brimming with sentiment, as she hugs herself even tighter. He only wants to look on her strange form even more, to brush away the wisps of her frail appendages to make better his view.
Hazel eyes lift away from her flesh when she makes to compliment him, her intentions hint at envy, but he accepts them without hesitation. Not a falter in his display, an award winning performance undoubtedly. He twists his head and neck slightly downward to his side, his shoulder rolls forward and up. A gesture of bashfulness, something the true Kirin has never felt, but he makes good on his display of the emotion. Looking down to the ground before up through his rather long, full eyelashes. ”That’s kind of you, thank you.”He offered her a small, but no less brilliant smile. ”My father never liked my color. Mother says it’s like the sky before the Moon swallows up the Sun. Nice, but not the same as coming from dear old Dad don’t you think?” He is gazing at her side as he finishes speaking, lusting to touch the frail encasing of her skin. He reaches a purple wing out with what could be unexpected gentleness, if you knew better of course. Tracing the fine feathers along the length of her battered limbs, if she were to look up he would catch her gaze. As it were, he felt the broken thing in a sense, his mouth parted slightly. Slightly. Something appearing to be hanging on the brink of interest and release.