"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
don't be afraid of the fire, I'd never let you burn
Some of the names Oceane tells in her story mean nothing to her - but others are surprisingly familiar. It comes with no shortage of amusement to know how pieces of their lives had been twisted together long before they met when Fiorina’s sight was gone. She listens with an interest that is not feigned and does not outwardly react to the mention of Pangea (where she knew her grandmother and mother were likely to have helped keep Oceane and her son under watch) nor Ghaul (who had sired two of her children).
Although she’s sure Oceane would’ve already guessed her blood ties to the Pangean monsters, Fiorina decides it is probably for the best not to remind her, nor bring up anything else. Privately, she is pleased to have this extra knowledge about Ghaul - to know he had grown up fierce and powerful, even if he had perished in the end as well. They had reunited when Fiorina had been blind and it had not been a gentle affair by any means.
Still. If the twins she bore him join her here, it is good that while they have strength in their veins from their father as well, they do not favour him in looks aside from their starry markings that can be seen on many these days.
She nods her head and there's a faint glimmer of a smile in her black eyes. “I cannot blame them either.” Her gaze drifts then too, scanning the dark landscape around them. It'll be good, she thinks, to have a purpose again. A tangible goal. “So long as I live here, though, I’ll do whatever’s in my power to make Tarian’s captivity the last Loess sees.” Her knife tail twitches a little and she does hope it will see some action in her service to this kingdom. Peace is all well and good - but a little activity wouldn't be scorned either.