There’s a ghost of a smile and a roll of those bright orange eyes at his sarcastic response. It was true though - how else would you get better? For Mazikeen it had never felt like work, though, when she practiced her shifting. It was her life, it was fun and thrilling. She preferred trying on new shapes over being her normal self most days.
It helped that in a shape such as the one she wore now, with claws and sharp teeth part of the package, she could be ready for anything. Even in the peaceful woods.
Truthfully, she hadn’t thought him rude at all - it seemed natural that they should talk about him. He was the one going through an interesting change, wasn’t he? She doesn’t immediately answer his question - distracted by the curious change of colour that he pulls again, returning to the darker colours he had worn before.
“Could you always change colours or is that new too?” She asks first, before responding to his question. “And no, not part of the plan, but it’s always nice to meet a new shifter.” Mazikeen didn’t mind those that couldn’t shift - her dad couldn’t and he was alright. It just so happened that almost everyone she’s ever met has been a shifter. It was really luck - though it did skew her view of the world slightly. She thought that shifters made up a larger proportion of the population than they really did.
“I’ve just come from Hyaline, where I’m part of a shifter pack calling the mountains home.” She turns her head in the direction she knows home to be and nods.