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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Deep in the darkness lies my beating heart [Yanhua]

    one lives in hope of becoming a memory

    There’s not many things I’m sure of, but one thing I am sure of is that mother and father would eventually make up. I could see it in her eyes, that she missed his company, every time I shared any memories that pertained to him. She would get this kind of longing look. Sometimes she would look around, as if expecting him to appear over the next ridge to sweep her off her feet. Still, the pain was something she couldn’t just wave a wand and do away with, so time would be the deciding factor there. Either way, I do believe that I will eventually have a sibling or two to play with.

    For now, though, it was just me and him, father and daughter, and it felt right. Soon it would be me, him, and Amarine’s twins (of which I don’t currently know about), but for now, I can enjoy the peace and comfort that comes along with having him all to myself.

    When he mentions Reynard and Cheri, I feel another round of twenty questions bubbling up under the surface, but this time I bite my tongue. There is still the matter of the twenty questions I’d already asked that needed answers, and he seemed eager to oblige on that front. So I look up at him with a kind of wonder and excitement in my eyes that only a child could give, eager for more. He mentions Tephra, an unfamiliar name to me, but I bite back the new round of questions this brings up.

    I doubt that I needed the memory of Nashua all grown up to recognize him, but it was a welcome memory nonetheless. I close my eyes, feeling the memory out carefully as he’d instructed me to do earlier. What can I say? I’m eager to learn more about my gifts as well as more about my father’s life. It is a pleasant memory that speaks a lot of Yanhua’s brother and the relationship they shared together. I could read it on his twin’s face, in that devil-may-care smile. I’ve always been good at reading others. Perhaps it was because of my gift, or perhaps it was because I had spent enough time trying to puzzle out my mother.

    When he pauses briefly after mentioning that Lilliana and him had made sure that I have plenty of aunts, uncles and siblings to keep my company, I didn’t need a memory to tell me that this made him slightly uncomfortable, as though he was worried he’d offend someone (no doubt my mother). It gives me a slight twinge of discomfort myself. Would what I was doing offend her? After all, I hadn’t told her I was leaving, let alone going out in search of the father that had hurt her so bad. I shift uncomfortably beneath his watchful eyes.

    @[Yanhua] is quick to change the topic, though, and I’m glad for it. I could deal with mother later. I’d already come this far, and there was no sense in not enjoying it while it lasted. Mother knew I was always off exploring on my own, and she didn’t have much care before, so hopefully she wasn’t panicking when she woke up to find me gone.

    I’m glad that he offers his support, especially since I still have a million unanswered questions to ask him. At his offering of support, I give him a warm smile and press forward to nuzzle my head against his broad shoulder (which I have to stretch to reach, because he’s so tall). “With that being said, I still have a million more questions!” I laugh. “What in the world is a Tephra? Who are Reynard and Cheri? When will I get to meet them?” The questions could go on and on, but I stop there to give him a chance to answer (and produce more questions on my end).


    Photo by Saffu from Unsplash

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    RE: Deep in the darkness lies my beating heart [Yanhua] - by Memorie - 01-12-2021, 01:33 PM

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