Mazikeen watches patiently, sitting and her leopard tail curls around her feet. Mikael is far more interested in his new shape than he is her - a sentiment which she understands perfectly well. She’s not even sure she really needs to be here to witness this, he seems to be doing just fine on his own. Exploring this new shape and answering her question with distraction.
She waits though, entertained by watching someone else go through something she experienced as a foal, her tail twitching against the ground. Eventually, after spitting out some of his own fur, he asks a question - an important one. “Changing back is the part that I found hardest.” Mazikeen doesn’t feel like fully admitting she had gotten stuck a few times - once for as long as half a day. “What helped me was thinking about myself. Remembering how a wind felt going through your mane or the sound of your hooves on the earth as you gallop. But you can’t concentrate too hard or it’ll slip right through your grasp”
It’s a source of pride that she’s practiced enough that she doesn’t, typically, lose control of her shifts anymore and can flicker back and forth between forms with ease. “Eventually, all it will take is a thought - if you practice.” Just like everything, she supposed.