01-08-2021, 10:11 PM
----------------tell me: who do i run to?
“Which sibling did you see?” asks the pegasus, closer now, close enough to see softly glowing sand that is all that remains of Aquaria’s glowing orbs. Gale’s not been here long enough that Pteron worries, and Asena’s not been home since the eclipse began. These worries are pushed down into the darkness where they cannot affect the way he must function. Pushed down until Aquaria asks about them. Pteron is grateful for the darkness that hides his wince, though he also busies himself with smoothing down the feathers of his wings that he now folds down around himself.
“I’m going to go to Islandres soon,” Pteron tells her, “I’m sure Gale will be able to tell me where Asena is.” The violet antlered mare is no longer the young filly that had swam across the channel to live in Ischia, and Pteron knows that she is more than capable of defending herself. Still, he worries, and means to find her only to ensure she is alright. She is old enough to be on her own, and he is sure that he’d sense if something were wrong, but he’d also like to be sure and is grateful for magic that can do so.
“And Torrent?” he asks, delayed only because her quip about his family was light enough that she must know where Torrent is, even if he’s not right beside her. He has no doubts when it comes to Aquaria and their children, and he is equally certain that she will be able to keep Ischia safe. The nereid’s magic has always been a marvel to Pteron, and now that he has control of his facial features, he finds that he would not be averse to a bit of light in the darkness. He doesn’t ask though, thinking that might be rude, and instead tries to find her pale features in the darkness.
-- pteron --