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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i'd rather forget and not slow down; flower
    “Oh do you?” She asks, and there is a lightness and laughter in her voice, a flirtatiousness she makes no effort to hide from him. These feelings had come quietly to her, snuck up in his absence and grew like flowers in the space between her ribs. She hadn’t known it when they met on the beach, hadn’t understood the gravity of such moments or the space they would take in the rest of her life, but she knows it now. He is not someone she wants to try and survive losing.

    It is selfish though, because she is glass and she is fragile, not made to endure, and someday this love will outgrow her body. He will be alone with only the ghost of her, and the cracks in his chest will be shining and red and shaped like the flowers in her hair. So she will never ask him to love her singularly, though for her there will only ever be him.

    He’s so close, and the warmth of him mesmerizes her as he runs his lips over the paths of long fissures beneath the surface of her cheek. She has seen how light gets trapped inside those valleys, how they fill with trapped fire, and she understands his quiet captivation. “It looks like the magma rivers of home, doesn’t it.” She whispers, shifting so the hanging ball of light flashes against one side of her face again, illuminating every last imperfection. ”It makes me feel beautiful instead of broken.”

    She is not sad or bashful in the wake of her confession, and her voice is only ever soft and silvered with quiet starlight. It is nice to share these fragile pieces of herself with him because she knows he will keep them safe. “I don’t know.” She tells him, and even as his shifts close to fully embrace her at last, her golden eyes drift up to watch the star twinkling overhead. “Maybe she knew I needed to find you. Or that you needed me.”

    Her golden eyes fall like twin stars back down to his, and there is a note of question in those last five words when she whispers them. She doesn’t know for sure that he did need her, can only assume from the way his face changed when he saw her, the way his gentle lips claimed every curve of her face. And she wonders if it’s written in the fractures of her delicate face how much she missed him. “Was she right, do you think?”


    i'm only steady on my knees

    @[The Monsters] hi can you mess with her opal hooves
    (we're pretending the eclipse happened while theyre in the dark forest and they just don't realize it yet)

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    RE: i'd rather forget and not slow down; flower - by flower - 01-04-2021, 10:08 AM

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