Mazikeen tries not to laugh at the yelp or the way he leapt into the air like someone had stepped on his tail (a rather horrid feeling, she had discovered one day while napping as a lioness). A little bit of a chuckle escapes out but mostly it just brightens her features. She’s not Mazikeen-the-worst-Champion-in-the-world right now, she’s just Maze the shifter, curious and delighted to be meeting someone new.
He falls quiet for a moment and Maze isn’t sure what’s going on but then her orange eyes widen with surprise and delight as she watches the colours shift and change on his coat. He matches her now, a white coat with black spots. When he says that she caught him at a weird time, she doesn’t hold in the laugh and it rolls out of her in bright but rough notes. She sits then, feeling at ease, her tail moving lazily behind her.
“I’m Mazikeen - or Maze, if you want.” Although Mazikeen is not particularly picky about which name she is being called, she is freer with her nickname around fellow shifters.
She’s quiet only for a short moment and that’s only because she’s trying to decide between which question she wants to ask first. The ability to colour change is something Mazikeen is incredibly curious about - she’s seen her friends be able to take on the coat colours of other animals but the way the purple intensified there for a second… there are sure to be animals she has never seen before and maybe some of them are purple like that but she feels like that is a separate gift.
But, her eyes catch on the way he moves his paw as though it is the first time and they spark with a genuine smile - that is (unless she’s mistaken) a gesture she remembers from not very long ago. When she had first turned into a snow leopard and discovered this new world and new possibilities. “Is this your first time shifting?”