09-04-2015, 03:57 PM
burn everything you love then burn the ashes
After the long, long, looooong trek to the Chamber, during which she got quite hungry enough to try eating the ground like everybody bigger did—which was disgusting, by the way. Dirt was not appetizing, no matter what the worms thought and no matter what grown-ups thought. It was the most revolting thing Anni had ever tasted, and she had licked a dead beetle once just to see if it was crunchy or slimy or what it tasted like. Grown-ups were gross. They liked gross things. She hoped she wasn’t as disgusting when she was older. Oh, and they DID gross things too! She’d found out how she and Maul had happened, and it sounded fucking nasty. No boy was ever putting anything in HER butt, that was for sure. And she was never pooping out a baby, nope. Kind of squicked her out to think Momma’d pooped out her and Mauly. She didn’t remember being covered in poop, but Momma’d licked her clean, and the idea of licking her own poop off a baby? No thank you!
Oh god. Oh god, what if she liked that when she grew up? Ew! But poop and dirt weren’t so different, and—nope. Gross. Ew. Never. There was a point somewhere, right? Oh. Right. She’d gotten hungry enough to try eating mud, and it was revolting, and she was probably just going to have to never get bigger was all. And she had figured out that maybe, just maybe, she should go not quite as far as two whole days away next time she wandered. So when the tiny tortoiseshell girl found herself at the edge of the Jungle again, she eagerly bounded across the border and resolved to stick closer to home this time so Momma and Daddy wouldn’t be so mad.
That resolution lasted all of five seconds, ‘til she got distracted chasing a butterfly, and then stalking a frog, and then frolicking with a fox cub, ooh, and then chasing a baby deer, and then splashing in the ocean on a beach covered in bones, and it wasn’t until she realized she was hungry that she looked around and noticed she had no idea where she was. “Oops.”
Okay. So. Navigating. Uncle Nish had been teaching her, what with how this sort of thing kept happening. And she was supposed to…probably go south, right? Except what if she’d gone south leaving the Jungle? Then south would get her farther away! Umm, there had been a beach she remembered a beach. Beaches were sand, right? So she should find sand!
Anni set off in the direction that felt like it would be the most likely to have sand, based purely on the fact that it felt like a good way to go and logic dictated there would be sand there eventually, right? Probably true. Sure, why not. Uncle Nish had said—probably something important, but her belly rumbled and distracted her, so she just set off in the direction she’d picked.
She’d picked the wrong way. Or at least not the way back to the beach full of dead things, anyhow, because she didn’t see that at all. She did, however, come across people again in an awfully familiar-looking meadow. This time she was too tired to go climb people, and besides she’d gotten thrown halfway across the meadow last time she tried climbing someone who wasn’t family. Apparently with people who weren’t family, there was a good chance they were dicks. So that was good to know at least. Still, she’d had fun and found out about the Chamber and played the lying game, and it had been good. So this time probably would be too, right?
Cheered up immensely by the idea of making new friends and playing new games and learning about new places, Anni bounded up to the first stranger she came across and chirped, “Hello! I’m Annihilate! Who’re you?”
Gendry and Arrya's
boom baby
boom baby