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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    so long and good night - any
    i think i'm better on my own but i get so lost in you
    Her lips tilt into an appreciative smile as the tendrils of shadow shift and stir as if to flee, only to decide she is not a threat and settle back against him. She has always had an interest in the skills of others; some she was slightly jealous of, but in his case, she was simply curious.

    Before she has a chance to respond, though, there is movement just out of her line of sight.

    The light that radiates from the other mare is enough to draw her eye away from the stallion and his shadows, and there is a flicker of recognition that registers on her face. She has seen her in Pangea, though she is unsure of her name, and has no idea that she is a half-sister. One of many, considering who her parents were, but Beyza’s heritage was especially unique. Desire did not really pay attention to the comings and goings of her mother – she didn't have that kind of time, or attention span – but she knew, more or less, all of her siblings from her. Except, of course, for this one, and if Desire knew the story behind Beyza's conception – the way Anaxarete had used her magic to create a child between Ryatah and Agetta without either of their knowledge –  she would understand why.

    As it is, she assumes that the feeling of familiarity she gets when she sees Beyza is from crossing paths in Pangea, and so she offers her the same thin, slightly impersonal smile that she gives everyone. Her eyes move back to the man with the shadows, nodding in acknowledgement to what he says – about the shadows, and his name. “Michaelis,” she echoes his name in the lilting sweetness of her voice, that same simper coiled on her pale mouth. “My name is Desire.”

    She waits a moment, giving the other mare a chance to make her introductions should she want to, but her mind is focused on what had drawn her here in the first place. Her dark stare is still fixed on the man’s face, and she takes a brazen step forward. Her intangibility had leant her a sort of fearlessness, the knowledge of knowing that if needed she could force most blows to pass through her – not that she had been terribly timid before, though. She has always been a little too bold for her own good, with an arrogance that she always expected to get her into trouble. Unfortunately (or fortunately), she didn’t mind trouble at all.

    A delicate nose reaches forward as if to touch one of the shadows, lingering near his shoulder, but she pulls back at the last moment and asks him with another smile, “And were you born with this gift?”

    i think i'm better on my own but i'm so obsessed with you


    Messages In This Thread
    so long and good night - any - by michaelis - 11-30-2020, 09:03 PM
    RE: so long and good night - any - by Desire - 12-04-2020, 04:06 AM
    RE: so long and good night - any - by Beyza - 12-04-2020, 09:59 PM
    RE: so long and good night - any - by michaelis - 12-12-2020, 11:03 AM
    RE: so long and good night - any - by Desire - 12-24-2020, 12:47 AM
    RE: so long and good night - any - by Beyza - 01-02-2021, 08:24 PM
    RE: so long and good night - any - by michaelis - 01-08-2021, 12:05 AM
    RE: so long and good night - any - by Desire - 01-12-2021, 03:30 AM
    RE: so long and good night - any - by Beyza - 02-03-2021, 02:29 PM

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