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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  this ain't no place for no hero; any family/Aquaria
    N E K a n E

    “Duh,” she responds to Volos with a toothy, lopsided grin. The gangly filly yawns dramatically as she follows her twin towards the verdant jungle, her ears pricked forward and attentive with only a brief backwards glance at Titanya, who had already turned her attention away from the departing children. Thankful for the freedom, Nekane throws her lanky hind legs into the air with two small bucks, tossing warm sand into the air beind her.

    When Volos shifts into his cubself, Nekane follows suit. The transition doesn't seem to come as easy for her as it does for her brother, but when finally her bones have shifted and her hooves have become paws, the young girl stampedes through the lush foliage in pursuit of her twin. She growls low in her throat as they bound through the jungle, but flops to the ground with roaring laughter when Volos stumbles over his own oversized paws. “Way to go!” she manages to tell him between bouts of laughter before her attention is drawn away from her twin and to the blue and gold bird that has decided to perform acrobatics overhead.

    Thankfully, Volos had filled her in about his parrot friend - and so she does not swipe at the avian the way she would like, but instead takes off running after the bird and her brother with a wide smile and salty sea air in her face. Nekane trails behind the pair, just close enough to laugh at their antics as finally they peel away from the jungle and bound onto the shore. As Volos brags over his win against the parrot, it's Nekane's turn to stumble over her paws. Airborne briefly, her striped feline body lands with a somersault next to her twin.

    Spitting sand from her mouth before she can speak, the young tiger smiles over at her brother. “Nice win,” she tells him with pride before noticing that his gaze lingers on something in the distance. Turning to look, she, too, notices the brewing ocean storm.

    “Do you think it'll reach us?”

    If I cannot bend heaven
    I will raise hell
    @[Volos] & any fam

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    RE: this ain't no place for no hero; any family/Aquaria - by Nekane - 12-19-2020, 10:47 PM

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