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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i break chains all by myself; narcisus
    There’s being cursed, and then there’s knowing what to do with a curse. I wouldn’t look at Lestrade and think him guilty of any curse at all, aside from the curse of having a terribly unique-looking coat (which was putting things nicely.) He wasn’t visibly different from any other horse I’d come across. No horns or spikes, no serrated teeth or claws where hooves should be. He neither sparkled nor shone, and if there was any trait hidden inside of him that I couldn’t make out, then he was doing an excellent job of keeping it hidden. No, I thought of him, he’s the sorry type, not the dangerous type. Sorry enough to be harrassed by the weaker sex, mangy enough to unfriendly, but otherwise? I felt like I was looking at a pathetic excuse of a wet rock. Just a solid lump of half-formed insults.

    “Pipsqueak?” I laughed, undeterred. Whoever this stallion was, he was itching for a swim down the same river I’d dunked his ‘friend’ in moments ago. “Ooo - big man, I’m so scared.” My eyes rolled.

    “Lighten UP, for the god's sake.” I sighed through my wildling smile, picking out a few stray meadow grasses from between the weave of many-colored feathers in my wing. “It’s called-” I mumbled childishly, pulling my head out from under the crook of my bent flapper, “-courtesy; but I doubt you have any.”

    What a bore. What a lump of oddly-green coal he was. I hated him, and yet there was every pleasure in annoying him for the sake of seeing how far I could go. Maybe he’d snap and use his powers on me, and then things could get fun around here for once.

    “I’ll teach you, Big Man. My name is Narcisus: NAR-SIS-US.” I repeated the word slowly, so it could filter into his tiny, tiny brain. A grin was plastered all over my face, my ears had lowered and I’d taken an aggressive step closer to him and his little oak tree. He could tuck tail or double down on that aggressive approach, and I was itching to see if he’d pull a rabbit out of his purple-spotted hat.

    “Now it’s your turn: what’s your name?”


    [Image: decgetu-410f2b50-f05d-4438-bd4c-5d54e999...4Ft1YXr36M]

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    RE: i break chains all by myself; narcisus - by Narcisus - 12-19-2020, 04:42 PM

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