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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    looking like an angel but your savage love; skandar

    Aela had been ready to set the world on fire, again.

    It had looked so much fun the last time and she was still disappointed that she had missed out on the merriment of watching the North - her moors and her trees - turn to tinder. But there were would be other opportunities, she was sure. Straia, the Dominus of Pangea, had plans for her canyon country, and Aela, in turn, had been creating plans of her own (not that they go against the ones of her mentor; Aela's ideas simply involve the various ways that the other kingdoms and horses of Beqanna will learn of the great things still to come).

    She doesn't care much for the cold but Aela enjoys her freedom. The golden girl shadows Straia every chance she gets - gleans everything she can with glowing fervor - but the girl is still a child. She is still young and Aela thinks that if their world is to concede to what Fate intends, she needs a better understanding of the world outside of Taiga and Nerine, and even Pangea. So she ventures away from what she knows with casual indifference.

    What had transpired in Nerine - what had caught Aela's young mind - was the opportunity that could be found in the chaos. She isn't looking to cause chaos on this winter morning (at least not yet) and the nearly-palomino filly walks with that same self-assured stride that she always carries with her. Even if she doesn't know this place and she has drifted more towards the west than intended, Aela still strolls as though she has always known this tropical realm. That it knows her, expects her, and even welcomes her because Aela wills it. The striped filly rounds a corner and when the sound of a twig breaking reaches her fair ears, she abruptly stops. Aela knows she has nothing to fear but the interloper nearby does not.

    Summoning a rather spectacular memory, Aela sends one of the aliens that protect and patrol the Pangean borders. (She had been thrilled with them but the wild and wonderful things they are could be terrifying to those not accustomed to them). Aela intends to use that to her advantage; and just for a little fun, a second memory follows like a breaking wave of the clicking sounds they make like lovers in the dark as they search for their next meal.

    image credit to footybandit

    @[Skandar] so I think this takes place somewhere near Tephra?

    Messages In This Thread
    looking like an angel but your savage love; skandar - by Aela - 11-15-2020, 08:19 PM

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