11-12-2020, 11:56 AM
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Creepster&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><style type="text/css">.halloween_container {position: relative; z-index: 1; width: 600px; background: #000; font: 12px 'Lora', serif; /line-height: 1.5; border: 1px solid #000; box-shadow: 0 0 10px #000; }.halloween_container p { margin: 0;padding: 0;}.halloween_message {text-align: justify; padding: 15px 20px;color: #ff6600; }.halloween_name {font-size: 28px; color: #ffaf7a; font: 36px 'Creepster', sans-serif;letter-spacing: 2px;}</style><center><div class="halloween_container"><div class="halloween_message">The creature made of shadow disappears. Some will see it go, others will not, though it does not really matter. They have either already found their gift or before them, one materializes. A tantalizing thing and it seems to hold no malice. The shadowy figure had held no malice either, but is from some other place where things are….different. To it, the things of darkness and blood are its friends.
Perhaps though, you think, it will have been worth it….you reach out to take the gift.
</div><p class="halloween_name">spooky thing</p></div></center>
Yay, congrats, you finished the quest! You receive a trait of your choice, based in the spaces given in the prize list below. Please post in updates to claim your prize.
wilt - 1 space
rosemary - 2 space
greta - 1 space
chemosh - 2 space
borderline - 3 space
urban 1 - 1 space
laurelin - 2 space
arachna - 1 space
clegane - 2 space
chasmata - 3 space
whisteria - 1 space
moonlet - 2 space
sintra - 1 space
oren - 2 space
evenstar - 3 space
xii - 1 space
barrow - 2 space
rosebay - 1 space
sympathetic gore - 2 space
mikael - 3 space
avocet - 1 space
Perhaps though, you think, it will have been worth it….you reach out to take the gift.
</div><p class="halloween_name">spooky thing</p></div></center>
Yay, congrats, you finished the quest! You receive a trait of your choice, based in the spaces given in the prize list below. Please post in updates to claim your prize.
wilt - 1 space
rosemary - 2 space
greta - 1 space
chemosh - 2 space
borderline - 3 space
urban 1 - 1 space
laurelin - 2 space
arachna - 1 space
clegane - 2 space
chasmata - 3 space
whisteria - 1 space
moonlet - 2 space
sintra - 1 space
oren - 2 space
evenstar - 3 space
xii - 1 space
barrow - 2 space
rosebay - 1 space
sympathetic gore - 2 space
mikael - 3 space
avocet - 1 space