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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    in my dream i’m a lost child; any
    She’s the ordinary daughter of a hippogriff-mimicking father and a plant-shifting mother; of course she’s not afraid of dragons! The far fetched is in her bloodline, just lacking in her but their boldness is not. Besides, doesn’t one have to be brave to a dreamer these days? Since dreams are silly and all. Just like his grumpiness is, charming and silly.

    Moonlet watches him bare his teeth a bit but still is anything but enchanted by this encounter because it is beyond her wildest dreams to have a conversation with a grumpy dragon next to some cliffs and a mighty roaring sea. That’s the stuff of stories right there! If only she had someone to tell them to… like a little brother or sister, or even to her mother.

    “I’m sure there are,” she spits back just as quickly and still rather rudely, not all going to further apologize for her trespass or appease the grumbly dragon just to soothe his ire. “I didn’t see anyone to announce myself to and saw no reason to raise a lot of ruckus first thing in the morning when everyone is usually sleeping.”

    She is rather firm in her decision to say that. Impudently so, making her seem like a bratty child back-talking their elder. Moonlet knows better but she’ll not let him get the best of her in that regard even as a smile cracks against the pinched exterior of her face, ruining her attempt to match him with more impudence and anger. 

    Then she tilts her head and blinks at him; “Who said I was a spy?” It dawns on her that he is naturally suspicious and naturally made that assumption. Which causes her to smile further and laugh at him - yes, the bay girl just laughed at a dragon that just threatened to eat her! “I probably wouldn’t be much of a meal for you but I promise I’m not a spy.”

    He blathers on that these are indeed his lands and he’s the king of them. Funny, shouldn’t the king be a horse since horses or what passes for mostly horses these days populate these lands? She’s muddling it all out in her brain and it moves across her face in shadowy expressions too quick to follow until she just settles on the preference he mentioned for another title.

    “What was your old title and why do you prefer that to the one you have now?” and she hasn’t decided; she just came to see the cliffs and the sea but it seems like a nice enough land and he’s rather interesting enough to pester. Maybe if she sticks around, he will too. “I’m not sure… I didn’t have a plan beyond watching the sunrise over the sea.”

    Until you came along and made the morning all the more interesting! 

    But she doesn’t tell him that. It’s evident enough in the prick of her ears and the brightness of her eyes and the way she cannot stop watching him. Who knew dragons could be so fascinating to just a regular girl?

    @[Leilan] she adores him! lol

    Messages In This Thread
    in my dream i’m a lost child; any - by Moonlet - 10-05-2020, 06:38 PM
    RE: in my dream i’m a lost child; any - by Moonlet - 11-01-2020, 10:42 AM

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