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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [private]  Let the feeling come take you - Leilan, Nashua
    There is in fact little that Leilan takes truly serious, indeed. Sparring however, when it means bettering the young ones and hoping they'll be able to defend themselves, is certainly one of them. The other is possibly, the covering up of emotion between a layer of laughs and jokes - right now, he doesn't have time for them and stows them away like always. He's very effective at that (some might say too effective); glancing over Nashua and Yanhua as he anticipates their movements from the way they stand and their muscles contract, he shows little to no emotion indeed.

    Except maybe for the hint of a smile at his lips.

    Nash makes a daring, but almost foolish move. The young pegasus exposes the underside of his wings and his belly in his rear, but Leilan is experienced in the defence of his land, family, and himself. Yanhua lowers his head, he sees in the corner of his eye - so Leilan moves opposite of their expectations.

    The dragon shifter's head changes, growing bulkier and horned in an instant. Teeth follow suit although he doesn't use them: instead, he lowers his forelegs to avoid Nashua's hooves, and makes a running motion forward into Nashua's belly area. This effectively keeps his underbelly away from Yanhua's reach, also, though he anticipates any sort of blow to his scaled hindquarters, and makes sure to steady himself between his two attackers. He expects the pegasus' hooves on his left backside near his spine, and Yanhua's on his right hindquarters. If anything, they won't topple him over because of their dual attack (which is the downside of attacking two against one), and maybe Leilan's movements are enough to unbalance the rearing Nashua, as well.

    He then continues his forward movement, making use of his momentum to pick up a little speed and turn to face them again. He still has a dragon's head, not having bothered to shift it back (truth is, it's hard to change to a horse when in battle, with fighting instincts kicking in). He eyes them, one to the other, and narrows his reptilian orbs to slits as he doesn't expect this to be quite over.
    I just wanna be someone
    well, doesn’t everyone?

    Image commissioned by Vanilla, made by AshesDrawn on DA

    @[Nashua] I know it's super old but I wanted to at least get one response out! If you guys want to, we can just end it and say they sparred OOC, or we can continue it even if it's old xD
    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Let the feeling come take you - Leilan, Nashua - by Leilan - 10-24-2020, 07:55 AM

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