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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    burn everything you love then burn the ashes; Maul, then anyone fun
    This is the story of how, when the wolves knocked,
    I met them at the door and I became the beast instead.
    It’s amusing, really.

    How far a clever idea and an innocent question can take them.

    They cut through the crossfire like fearless little soldiers, nasty words and bitter accusations flying back and forth like bullets; one finds its mark, she thinks, but Dad takes it like a champ and fires right back. Uncle Nish is no lightweight, however, and even as their voices fade in the distance, she can tell when he gains some footing in the argument because Daddy’s voice grows softer. Maul looks over her shoulder, smirking; her plan is going off without a hitch and she gives an excited little buck and kicks up her heels in their general direction before darting along the hidden trail after her sister.

    Annihilate’s been talking about The Chamber ever since Daddy brought her back from the Meadow and, of course, since she missed out on the last adventure, Maul is eager to go and see what all the fuss is about. Two days come and go before they spot the tips of even the tallest pine trees, however; their bellies start to grumble and crankiness sets in, and what’s worse, the longer the trip drags on the deeper the shit Maul knows they’re bound to be in. Hunger and angry parents be damned, Anni is thrilled by the fact that they’ve almost made it and Maul has no choice but to reluctantly carry on.

    They’ve made it this far anyways, haven’t they?

    It seems stupid to turn back now.

    And so, after another half a day of traveling, the twins finally reach the border of the pine forest.

    “Something, something, something, don’t cross over without permission,” she mutters, remembering what Uncle Nish told them Grandma Sol had taught him. Manners, or something or other that he’d been going on about that ‘Daddy never taught them.’ She slinks along shoulder-to-shoulder with her little sister, eyeing the big, ‘scary’ pine trees and waiting to feel the beat of a heart beneath her small hooves. It isn’t long before—ooh, oh she feels it now. Maul hops almost a foot to the right, squealing in excitement; she flags her two-toned tail and prances around her twin. “Anni, Anni! Do you feel it, too?” She grins. But then, then there’s a twig and it snaps and she freezes instantly.

    Something isn’t right, someone is watching them—

    “Who’s there?” Maul tries her best to growl, whipping around to face the source of the noise. “Who is hiding? Don’t be such a coward. Show yourself.”
    M a u l
    gendry x arrya

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: burn everything you love then burn the ashes; Maul, then anyone fun - by Maul - 09-01-2015, 09:27 PM

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