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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  if the whole world just stops singing

    The young girl’s wings flutter gently at her sides - dark, raven wings that are blue-black against the rich gold of her body - and though they do not have the strength yet to carry her into the skies, Olena dreams of nothing else but to soar like her mothers and her siblings. The sea winds of Tephra are strong and unforgiving, even on the ocean’s shoreline, so perhaps it is a good thing that her frailty keeps her on land for the time being. She would be so easily tossed about within the ocean’s gale like a helpless fledgling within its might.

    But even that reality doesn’t keep her from dreaming.

    When Oriash confirms Olena’s tale, her gold and onyx face turn to face her as quickly as possible, those navy eyes wide against the thin stripe of white across the bridge of her nose. “You have?” Olena whispers this, as if it is a secret between the two of them, and that perhaps Oriash would not go into detail if she didn’t swear to secrecy. The dark-winged girl sidles closer, curiosity threatening to overflow. She does not have to wait long, however, for her sister quickly and quite literally paints the scene before them both.

    With a gasp, Olena shuffles into Oriash’s side, both amazed and a little frightened as the volcano slowly grows larger, as if it is walking towards them instead of the other way around. Her little dance into her sister causes her to phase slightly, disappearing into Ori’s skin halfway before her fear lessens; she then takes a tiny step forward, becoming completely solid again as her curiosity outweighs her nervousness.

    It’s then that Olena spies the green mare - a dryad type goddess adorned with all the flowers that cover their home - and when she smiles, Olena’s whole body wiggles with excitement. “I see her too, Ori! I see her too!” Her eyes never stray from the goddess, watching as she slips into the volcano where Olena only assumes she stays to guard and protect them.

    “Oh, Ori, that was wonderful.” The filly turns to her sister, a gentle smile on her dark mouth. She quickly brushes her muzzle over Oriash’s muscled shoulder as the older mare speaks of the mountain and faeries. Olena imagines the sheer strength it would take for her to climb the mountain and she already feels dazed just thinking about it, huffing slightly and feeling slightly hopeless at the idea alone. But perhaps it will not come to that. That statement causes her ears to perk up slightly, feeling slightly refreshed. Yes, perhaps it won’t. Maybe she would wake up one morning feeling better.

    That’s what she tells herself everyday, anyway. “Thanks for staying with me, Ori.” The statement is genuine and heartfelt; she knows that there are far better things for many to be doing than to be accompanying a sickly girl on a slow walk across Tephra. “I get nervous on my own.”

    & all the stars go dark
    i turn the light on in my soul

    @[Oriash] <3

    Messages In This Thread
    if the whole world just stops singing - by Olena - 08-19-2020, 08:13 PM
    RE: if the whole world just stops singing - by Olena - 10-01-2020, 07:27 PM

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