look at the stars,
look how they shine for you
The snow passes through Rhy as though it doesn't exist -- or maybe as though she doesn't exist. But she's still here; it's mom and dad who are gone. They're gone, and we are all that's left. Us, and a brother we've never even met.
Once the snow has stopped (the world made painfully stark again), a part of me clings to Rhy's words like a lifeline -- not for myself, but for them. Like the fact that we could see them again meant that they weren't actually dead. But they are, another part of me whispers. I shudder. “Then we need to go back.” My chin lifts a fraction of an inch, the ice pulsing through me and replacing my heartbeat.
I step close, perhaps the closest we've ever been -- because right now, we need each other like never before. I search her face, where I glimpse things both familiar and unknown. “You'll get us there.” And although it had never been a question of whether or not she could bring us back across the divide, I find myself murmuring, “I trust you.” Maybe what I'd meant to say was, I love you -- maybe she'd know.
With tears threatening to resurface, I break our gaze with a shake of my dished head. “They were going to come back to Beqanna, Rhy, I swear. I — I'm so sorry they never did.” My voice wavers and I stop, turning to her. She looked so much like them. Slowly, I find myself reaching for her with my muzzle, though I pause when I'm quite close to her own -- I'll always remember the Flash. But then I press forward. I close the distance between us. For the first time since we were born, I choose contact with my sister. In that moment, all I know is that I want to forget the fear. I want to comfort her, and I want to be comforted.
More than anything, I don't want this to be something we have to bear alone.
the winter girl of riagan and rayelle
sorry it took so long >_< if you want to continue this in afterlife then I'm game!