stars when you shine, you know how i feel
oh freedom is mine
The Freyr smiles at Nash and he grins back. His green eyes sparkle mischievously in the autumn sunshine and the smile on his face turns lopsided, losing its way against his pale lips and turning to something more devilish than boyish. "I met one, once." The young stallion says, remembering his first trip outside of Taiga as his expression quiets. "We went to Ischia to visit with Aquaria." She had been gifted, he recalls. She had pulled in the waves, called in a tide with no regard to the laws of nature, all on her own and the Ischian Dame had been his first real introduction to Magic in Beqanna.
The clarity of the world beneath the waves she revealed is still shining behind his viridian-colored gaze.
The gleam sparks a laugh from Nash. "Are nereids ice-resistant?" He teases back, trying to picture the Ice Dragon much younger. Was he a rogue then, he wonders? A theft of hearts? The chestnut pegasus shakes his head and continues to grin at the taller stallion. Probably still is, he assumes, smirking.
The scaled-stallion tells him about the days that the Brotherhood had claimed Ischia, before the water horses had. He's even heard some of the names now affiliated with the North tied to Ischia. "I've been to Tephra, once." Nash explains another trip, "Yan and I ventured there when were yearlings." He remembers heading south, feeling the Redwoods dwindle and then having the volcano rise before him. It had been like something lifting within him, urging Nashua forward and forward and forward.
At that moment, Nash had truly discovered his wanderlust because each step he took was like coming home. A future that would always be waiting for him.
"And recently, the Resort. My..." he trails off, unsure for a moment, "brother, Gale, is their leader."
Where he wants to go takes little thought on Nashua's part. In the company of @[Leilan] who is fueling his wandering spirit, it already soars above Beqanna. "I've never been to Loess," he admits and looks to his leader. "Or Pangea."