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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Nothing matters but the pain when you’re alone [any]

    despite the overwhelming odds, tomorrow came

    I stamp my opposite hoof, and the water splashes up my other leg. Oh, it feels so good as it trickles back down, so I continue, alternating hooves. I shift my hindquarters so that my back legs are also in the water, and I dance in place, the water splashing up to my knees. I splash deeper into the pool so that the water reaches up to my belly. It all feels so good, and I don’t care what I look like to others who may be watching, music hidden in my mind, though it eventually moves to my tongue in the form of a hum.

    I saw her long before she saw me, the chestnut mare off in her own world. She was mindlessly moving toward me, so I stopped playing in the waters to watch her. She seems happy in her thoughts. Was I happy? Well, most of the time I was happy, I guess, though I was definitely lonely. Yes, lonely, that’s what I would say I am.

    She continues to move toward me, unaware of my presence, but then she stops, just a few feet from where I stood, just off the shore of the little lake. She blinks and suddenly seems to come back to the real world. She blinks, and the daydreams are gone like a candle flickering out in the breath of the wind. I watch her, trying to look casual, but a slight eagerness still seeps into my expression. I am lonely. Perhaps this mare would help alleviate that painful feeling.

    The chestnut’s words ring in the stillness of the brisk air, clear and penetrating. Do I have somewhere to go? That was a very good question. I could have gone back to where I had come from, to a mother who failed to love me properly, to a herd that didn’t like me. No, I could not go back there. However, here felt free. Here I felt renewed. The loneliness was, of course, the predominant feeling still, but here I could start over and hopefully not fall back into the same negative patterns from before.

    “No,” I almost whisper. I cough softly and repeat myself, this time a little louder, “no. I have nowhere to go.” There is a little hint of that eagerness that seeps into my voice.


    Photo by Sharon McCutcheon from Unsplash


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    RE: Nothing matters but the pain when you’re alone [any] - by Borderline - 09-06-2020, 11:47 AM

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