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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [open]  [KINGDOM MEETING] [Alliance due Monday 14] ...or the ice dragon that brought the cold

    stars when you shine, you know how i feel
    oh freedom is mine

    Nashua had been told by his Aunt Elena often that he was like his mother. He had sometimes felt like the black sheep of his family and he had learned that the confession just wasn't his own. His mother, apparently years before, had said the same thing to his golden guardian before the pair of them had left Beyond for unknown realms and horizons yet to be discovered. It isn't something that he has broached with her yet, why she had felt like that, and why he feels as he does (Nash with his green eyes, with his wings and stripes).

    Of all the horses gathered here, it's easy for him to spy her first. (He always looks for her and Yanhua in every crowd.) In the autumn sun, his mother looks hale. Her copper coat catches the sun much as his does and when her blue eyes seek him out, it almost distracts him from the subtle changes of her.  They linger there as a smile blooms on her face and warms her gaze before Leilan speaks and both of them turn their attention to the newly-crowned King of the North. Nashua pulls his wings tightly to his chestnut sides and listening carefully to what the Dragon King has to say.

    Leilan has been his Freyr for the better part of a year now. He has been more than that for longer. There is admiration in the way that Nash watches the freshly-elected monarch and this change comes with no opposition from him. The roan stallion has brought new life to this Isle and the young pegasus doesn't doubt that the new growth would extend to the rest of the North. That under Leilan, the North could rebuild and grow and change.

    His green eyes watch the stallion on the beach as he introduces himself and the very first changes to the North. The introduction of a Council that includes three women that have all shaped the young stallion in some way. It sparks the start of a smile on Nashua's pale lips and his stance relaxes as he continues to listen to the edicts that the Freyr proposes. His brown ears prick forward, eager to catch all his words. What Leilan says of the Alliance - something he has heard about from his mother's stories and learned to associate with Kagerus - immediately brightens his expression.

    "I volunteer," Nash says with question or hesitance. "I would like to the represent the North in the Alliance." The young stallion even takes a step forward from the crowd of gathered horses, in case Leilan had any doubt where the answer had come from. He lifts his head and gives the taller stallion a boyish grin. It only breaks because he can see his mother frowning, that something is reflecting out from her gaze that looks uncertain. Nash turns to look at her momentarily but neither say anything. Now is not the time or place for the conversation that needs to pass between them.

    Lilliana presses her lips into a tight line and Nashua nods to Leilan, more determined to follow through on his proclamation. The blazed-face stallion raises his proud head and decides it was well past time to take his place in the North.


    html by castlegraphics; art by MirrorLands

    Entry Name: Nashua
    Gender: Stallion
    Body Type & Height: Lean/Hispano-Arabe type. 16 hh.
    Abilities (note: if the ability can vary between horses, e.g. mimicry, please state which characteristics your character expresses): Wings. Healing. Lunar Protection. (and not sure if this counts but soon invisibility)
    [Image: jCdBK6.png]

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    RE: ....or the ice dragon that brought the cold - by Nashua - 09-03-2020, 06:22 PM

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