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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  if you never bleed, you're never gonna grow
    won’t you drag the lake and bring me home again
    “I am Ghaul, and we belong together.”

    Those were the first words he had ever spoken to her, before Castile had caught the Pangean prince in his kingdom and sent him away with harsh words and a promise of pain if he were to ever return. Naturally that had not stopped the draconic boy and he had snuck in to see her time and time again, until Clarissa was finally old enough to sneak away from Loess and relocate permanently to Pangea. It was there that he had risen to power and she had given him a beautiful clutch of eggs, the pieces of which still litter the bottom of their nest.

    His first slip-up, Jenova, had gone completely unnoticed. She had annoyed him, mocked his eyelessness, and he had taught her a lesson by ripping off her wings and murdering her. His second transgression, not long after Clarissa had worked her talons to the bone to complete their nest, had filled her with a jealous rage until he had promised his twin flame that he would return with her head, and so he did. But he had brought with him a tiny filly as well, and there was no denying that she was his daughter. Quietly she had accepted the skull and the filly as her own, but the angel does not forget.

    Virgil came next, her sweet little boy who was hatched alone, without the warmth of other eggs within the clutch. His golden egg has been stored away as well, with the others in the corner of the nest, and Clarissa has kept their resting spot pristine as she awaits the arrival of their next pregnancy. She is a dutiful wife, and despite Ghaul being away more than he has been around the past few months, as busy as he is with his preparations, she knows that her place is here, with their children.

    Only Phyx has vanished as well, and Frenzy with her. Virgil is gone from the nest most days as well, being brought up under his sire’s metaphorical wing much like Ghaul had done with Yadigar before his disappearance. Her nest has been empty for at least a season now, and some nights Ghaul doesn’t even return at all. The Cove is beginning to feel less like a home and more like a prison - it is beginning to seem like she is only here to bed her husband and make him feel important, and it fills her with an emotion she cannot describe.

    She is not used to negative emotions, but recently Ghaul has been returning home less and less, and when he does, he does not bother to hide the scents of other women and sex on his hide. It disgusts her, though she hides it well from him; she saves her tears for when she is totally alone, and she wonders if this is what it’s like for a heart to break.

    The white dragon stands along the shoreline, her talons digging deep into the black sands as she focuses on a point very far away. The tears on her warm cheeks melt away into salty vapor as she cries, for she has never in her life felt so truly alone. Castile had tried to warn her that Ghaul was wrong for her, but she had rebelled against her father-figure and denied it to his face. He was her twin flame, she had argued, letting the anger turn her against the Loessian king who had raised her.

    Together we will topple empires.


    Messages In This Thread
    if you never bleed, you're never gonna grow - by clarissa - 08-21-2020, 09:41 PM

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