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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  i left my daydreams at the gate; gar, any
    Cirilla may be growing taller with age, but she doesn’t think she’ll ever fill out to be quite like her father or Gar. They are dragons, after all, and Ciri is just... Ciri. She seems to be gaining traits that coincide with her mother’s angelic side more than anything, but the girl doesn’t mind that too terribly. Her mother is pure innocence embodied, despite Gar’s insistence on her ignorance. Perhaps she ignores Father’s worst side, but Ciri knows that there is nothing malicious in her mother, and she envies her for that. Even Ciri has days when the anger takes over, and she yearns to be more at peace with the world.

    She wonders if the world is teetering on the brink of a war; Gar had seemed desperate when he implored them to join him in Nerine, but as she waits she wonders if he’s even going to appear. Had he just wanted her and Tarte someplace safe from Father’s wrath? And is the North even safe? It shares a border with the East, and would be a short flight for Ghaul to come and ravage this place. Mother had told them the story of how he had set flame to Taiga when they took him captive years before the birth of the triplets. Clarissa had seemed in awe telling them the story, but Ciri remembers quavering through the entire thing. Her nightmares had been filled with flame for weeks, though she had never told another soul about them.

    Her eyes anxiously scan the horizon as she looks for Gar, or even Tarte, but it seems to be a futile whim. A large set of wings, however, catch her eye, and she plasters a polite smile on her face as she meets the eye of the slightly older colt. He comes to a stop before her and she trembles slightly as nerves take over, her smile faltering for just a moment. He seems wary of her and it only makes her more nervous.

    “I am Cirilla, Princess of the East,” she declares with more confidence than she realized possible, her eyes pools of molten gold. “I am... I, um,” she continues, only for words to fail her. She breaks eye contact then, her eyes falling to a point between his hooves instead. “I am... renouncing my title of princess, and hoping to find a new home here in Nerine,” she whispers, trying to blink away sudden tears as a terrible longing fills her chest. She aches to return to her mother’s side, but perhaps it is too late now.

    “I seek asylum from my Father’s cruelty, and my brother asked me to meet him here. Yadigar,” she adds, as an afterthought. “He was supposed to meet me here, but now I’m worried that he’s returned to our Father. He has tried to kill my brother and I’m terribly afraid he’s going to go through with it.”

    Realizing that she’s probably said all of the wrong things, she clamps her mouth shut, but it’s too late now. Gulping, she forces her eyes back to the stranger’s, wondering what is going to happen next.


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    RE: i left my daydreams at the gate; gar, any - by cirilla - 08-19-2020, 02:26 PM

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