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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  It is the nature of dreams to end // pq help needed

    Warlight meets that wildfire smile and blazing blue eyes with her own, tempered, version. She was not immune to the electricity of an intimate moment with beautiful strangers, even in her illness.

    "Yes, her name is Nikkia. She was a warrior of the old world." After the quest which brought them both back from the afterlife, Will's interactions with the entity had been brief, but she admired her. Something that's easy to tell from her tone.

    When Lilliana stretches out a foreleg, Will doesn't fight the invitation to allow her gaze to travel down the lenght of it. She visually traces the delicate lines, her brow rising slightly as the water around them is illuminated with violet light.

    "Glowing," she states, "terrifying." Her tone is playfully dead-pan, and she holds an unamused expression for a moment before breaking and returning her blue-black eyes to Lilliana. There is a spark there, a hard glint, as they reflect the light that the other woman is casting. But that glow is quickly fading, and the concversation grows more seriouse.

    "So how do you win this battle? Reclaiming your strength.”

    A piratical question, one that spares Will some of the shame of begging. Something she appreciates it, whether it was intentional or not. "I was told to learn a lesson of appreciation for the traits I asked to negate - to beg for the help of others. Two others." The sharp edge returns to her words. Warlight's gaze cuts away from the dark outline of the chestnut mare, and the weakness rattles her lungs as she takes a deep breath. "A stallion, Aodhan, found me at the base of the mountain and helped me get home with the use of his shifting. So that was one, but I still need to find another. These waters help for now, but only what they can touch, on the outside." A fact her labored breath, punctuates.

    There was a nagging fear in her that Carnage would not honor the promise he had only half made - that for a second time her life would be cut short by an incurable disease. It was not often that she sat with fear, and it sets her teeth on edge.

    She shakes her head, as if that will help to clear it of such thoughts. Returning her attention to the present, and her companion. Lilliana's words work better, to pull her up and away from her fears, and she gives a hearty, humph, in response. In the dark it would be hard to tell that the edge of her lips curls back up into a smile, but it is possible to hear it in her words. And although she agrees with what she says, she can't help but argue, in the end.  "I know you're right, but magic sure makes it easier... to fuck em up."

    She always felt better when she argued.

    — soul as sweet as blood red jam —

    [Image: Warlightpageddoll1.png]

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    RE: It is the nature of dreams to end // pq help needed - by Warlight - 08-03-2020, 01:32 PM

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