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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    And the trees are filled with memories [Any]

    in the morning when I wake and the sun is coming through,
    oh you fill my lungs with sweetness and my head is filled with you

    Her eyes are too heavy, they refuse to open. The snow builds up around her and she resigns herself to fate. It’s not so bad, freezing to death. In fact the sense of cold and warmth seems to not matter anymore, her strength seeping from her stiff ivory body. She knows that with every second she lays here, her blood is condensing and her heart beat is slowing. There’s a spark that flickers in her chest but it sputters, threatening to extinguish forever. For why should she continue? She can’t remember anything or anyone. The land looked familiar but she has no family that she knows of or can recall. She has no home. Little lost lamb with no reason to live.

    There is a soft floral scent in the air, warm breath mingling with her own frosty gasps. Suddenly something warm next to hers. Warmth and a comforting voice, reaching towards her through the frozen wasteland her body is becoming. Eyelids flutter, a glimpse of red. A name, a name. She asks for her name. The only thing she has. ”Soliel.” A mere whisper, the act itself of speaking exhausting. Petals and spring and summer. All seem so far away. And then another voice, calling her away from sleep. Sweet sleep. “You’ll freeze to death.” Oh I know. I know but how can I not?

    His name escapes her ears but when her eyelids flutter again she catches strands of gold. It’s not enough to motivate her in the throws of teetering death. “I can take you to the Dale.” That works. ”The Dale?” She asks weakly, forcing her blue eyes open towards the stallion as she leans slightly into Eld’s warm embrace. ”The Dale.” She repeats again, stupidly. For there is a one single cobweb that seems to fall off a corner of her memory. ”I remember the Dale.” She can’t remember what it looks like but the name, it’s like a bell. The flame in her chest flickers and spits with a gust of snowy wind blowing in her face. ”Please…” A quiet plea to them both, to the helpful strawberry mare at her side and the black stallion who may hold the only key to who or what she is. Words that she can barely manage on her numb tongue. ”I need to go to the Dale.”

    can I be close to you?


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    RE: And the trees are filled with memories [Any] - by Soliel - 08-27-2015, 10:19 PM

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