The fear she had not known well enough to name, that she had denied, pulses freely through her when he lunges for her. It is as if someone had broke open a dam and so much more than the wave that had hit her before. Not once yet in her life has she felt fear like this - but this is to be a night of many firsts. She is too surprised to even move at first. Only managing to twist so that instead of her throat, when his teeth find purchase they dig into the crest of her neck.
Maze - who prides herself in being brave - cries out as those teeth tear fur and flesh. Pain, of course, but there is surprise in her howl too. More shattering of the world her naive young mind had created - one in which she could not be harmed, where she did not cry. She feels her blood begin to pool around the puncture. Her first real injury. Part of her expected this to be like her tumble with Daye - less a fight and more of a wrestling match. She still doesn’t understand fully the danger here, still believes that with a few short moves she’ll be out of this little problem and wander free and alive back to her parents.
The only thing going on in her head is the pounding of her racing heart. The drumming beat driving everything else right out. The young wolf acts because she must, twisting away and growling as she does - bringing a large black paw up to swipe at him or maybe just push at him
It still does not occur to her to run. It should but there are no such thoughts even if any could make it over the roar of fear inside of her mind.
Snarling, she snaps her teeth at him - attacking him right back instead of leaving, but she pulls her punches and does not really try to do damage with her sharp canines. Only to warn, only to deter. Surely if she shows she is not going to make it easy, he'll back off... right?