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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The north wind meets the sea - Izora Lethia
    The water spatters her face, she feels it rushing by as she closes her eyes, but just as quickly she feels the sudden surge of pain as claws grip at her. He broke skin and her eyes snap open last minute to meet the pool below her.

    She feels the cool water submerge her petite frame more intensely then the pain of Leilan's skin ripping grip. It sucked the breath from her lungs and she forced her eyes shut for a moment before opening them to find the shimmering, diluted sunlight above.

    Her hooves kick down making solid contact with the sandy bottom of the pool pushing herself through the mirrored surface. She hastily searches for the winged dragon, only when she's made eye contact does she realize the red tendrils of blood emanating from her hindquarters and sides. Only then does the adrenaline dissipate leaving behind the numbing pain of ripped skin and muscles. Her face crumples in on itself for only a moment with each kick of her legs. When she finally finds solid ground she forces her magic into the angry gashes and muscle. It did nothing to stop the flow of blood but her body relaxed enough to notice the stormy, almost demonic eyed dragon rumbling his complaint at her.

    With his attention turned to the blood in the water and on his own being she flattens her own ears, her purple eyes deepening in her own response of anger. Don't do anything like that again? Did you not, only moments ago, tell me not to trust a dragon or was I imagining that? From where I stood I could be patient and wait, and maybe you'd come back or I could jump. she spit at him, her own voice an unexpected roar of its own, and then rolled her eyes. I suppose I forced your hand, and for that I apologize, but I can not make solid alliances on fickle trust. Trust is not controlling the decisions of others but believing they'll do what's best, even when noone is looking. I made a decision and so did you, both coming with consequences. I accept mine. she took a ragged breath as she looked at him. She had never lost this much blood before and it seemed to be taking a toll on her, but she'd never admit it. I want to trust you, Leilan. her voice dropping back to its soft, gentle candace. I will trust you, whether you're dragon or not. Isn't that what she hoped for when she returned to the mountain? That others will still trust her after she changes.

    Her eyes shifted to the bloodied water as her thoughts waded back through the water, past the fall and back to the edge. Have you ever thought about jumping? Despite the wounds that ran horizontally down her side and rear end, she felt unusually liberated. She had always thought herself to soft, to timid. @[Leilan] could be mad at her, her stunt could cost her an invaluable alliance and possible friendship, but since she met him just hours ago she had done more than she had since arriving in Beqanna years ago. She had made more decisions of her own accord since coming to Taiga with Aten. She would not be sorry for that.

    Can you please take me back to the top. I promise I won't jump. her amethyst eyes remained locked on the water where it meets Leilan's scaled body. She was beginning to feel the exhaustion of using her gift so fluidly to ease her wounds. 
    forget me not; but never remember

    Blood loss makes her fiesty. Leilan is free to leave after taking her up lol.

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    RE: The north wind meets the sea - Izora Lethia - by Izora Lethia - 07-09-2020, 09:23 PM

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