Yet it had never been for her glory or power that she’d done anything, but for the Chamber. It had been ripped away so easily, lost to time and forgotten by most that call Beqanna home now. Certainly it’s greatness was long forgotten, even if the name can occasionally be remembered.
The Silver Cove is a beautiful place, but it is not her Chamber. Still, it is dotted with small patches of trees that remind her of the pine forests of the Chamber, and unbidden, the memory of being a child playing with her squirrel friends comes back to how. How strange a thought; how far she has come.
Today she wanders the forests. She can simply disappear, can simply cease to exist, and the tree will burn without her and give out it’s boons as it was designed to do. It does not need her, though they are one in the same. More than immortality, perhaps, but a small taste of godhood. Time passes differently for her. She does not languish in boredom, but simply decides to live or not to live. There was something far sweeter to true mortality, though she cannot say she minds this either.
I feel like posting; someone come bother her
Use of mild power playing is allowed; no injuries without permission