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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    the dead are crawling from their graves (ALL KINGDOM)
    "you say I'm crazy, but I think I'm freaking amazing."
    Patience. That was what was key. It was something that I had learned long ago. Patience was what led to the outcomes you desired in positive ways despite the struggles it brought along with it. For a while I stood there waiting for the few of what once was many to make their way to the small gathering place. I was never expecting a large turnout. For the obvious was quite clear. There were so few here and I had wisely known that when I decided to act on the god's wishes. It was Fennick I looked at first after my speech, his stumbling in causing the slightest of distractions as I waited for the others to speak.

    His loud exclamations and cursing made me slightly wonder what made him so quick to assume this was his fault. It must be mommy issues. Boys tended to blame themselves for everything when raised by mothers who always blame their sons for their troubles. At least that was what I had come to find. Then again, who am I to say anything. I have never had children and my mother actually rasied me with a good mind despite her constant hunger for power and the largest drive in the world to produce powerful heirs to thrones throughout beqanna. It was with a slight nod and quirk of the brow I caught his eye before speaking gruffly, directly my words just at him.

    "No matter. If you're to be making the valley you're home, then the interruption is understandable and forgivable. Though think right. You're not always to blame for everything. Undeserved blame is what hinders one from being successful in their lives, young one. Grow in confidence and you will do just fine here." A small smirk quirks at the corner of my lips. My words were not to embarrass the dark boy, but simply to give him slight encouragement. A true leader, no matter what side they aligned with, wished to see those that surrounded him succeed and didn't hold them back from their potential. That was something I had strongly believed in all the years of my growing up and so I chose to stick with it.

    It was at this point my attention is drawn to the fire man. His darker side makes my smirk slowly wrap upwards into an amused smile and with a twitch at the corner of my eyes I purse my lips together trying to silence the slight laughter that perks at the top of my throat. "I admire you're blunt words, Flamey." I quickly state the small nickname just for theatrics sake. An attempt to show him I know exactly what he's all about and purely because I occasionally like to cause a bit of strife here and there, especially when things were so serious. For such games were what helped me to survive the boring seriousness that such meetings always brought on. "But don't be so quick to dismiss one's efforts. Unless you can see the future, you cannot tell how a situation will turn out. History may repeat itself, but that's all up to the players who hold their cards right, wouldn't you say?"

    He nods slightly, eyes sparkling before continuing, "I have the will and determination to help the valley burn as it once did. I may not reveal all my secrets at this time, but wouldn't that be just giving you all cause to somehow doubt me or blame me in the future for possible broken promises? I am not here to make promises. But to provide you all with an insight to what is possible. An insight to what is laying right infront of us. I will not make silent promises. Because I do not want to fail any of you. But because I want to be successful in my plans to make the Valley a great kingdom once more... Oh and Flamevein, I'm sure you and I could come up with something that is quite enough to keep you with us. You're a great asset we wouldn't want to lose."

    My amusement quickly turns to seriousness and I find myself glancing over at the winged mare. She is someone I haven't met yet. Someone who is cloaked in the age of the valley and I watch her with quiet interest as I listen to her words. Like with Flamevein though, my lips quirk into an amused line by the time she is done and I roll my shoulders in a gentle shrug. "The turn out was quite expected. The valley has been silent for almost two years. There's actually more here than I expected. So in a way, you could say that." I chuckle dryly before looking towards the back of the small group suddenly. Something deep in my mind had pulled my attention away just in time and through the darkness of the forest canopy I catch the eyes of the ruler I had come to put myself in place of. I look from the silent girl he stood next to, sending a quiet nod her way and then back to the magician, a shiver of nerves running through me for just a moment. His nod of acceptance and agreement making me nod in return and in my mind I thank him greatly for such approval.

    To be honest, the magician king's acceptance and welcome was more than enough to know I was doing the right thing. And besides tarnished his approval was all I truly needed. It had taken a lot for me to stand up to a man I had looked up to for so long through the stories told. So this show of support was beyond more than most could provide. My face remains stoic, but I know that the magician can see the smile in my mind and before I stay focused too long, I turn to look back at gallows. "A show of arms? Proof of my plan?" My words are quick and I mean no harm, but the idea to me is silly. "Isn't that what those who have failed in the past have done, only to show they were not going to be able to follow through with their first worded promises and worded dreams in order to gain their position?" My lips purse together slightly.

    Is that all they wanted, promises of power, a show of power? "I am not here, like I said before, to make weak promises of nothing. I am here to do what is good for the valley. So I will reveal at the right times different ways we will be building the kingdom and I will provide you all opportunities to help these plans come to fruition... I do not tell you because I do not have any plans. But simply because of what I stated before. I will tell you this though. My plans involve making us as a kingdom work together, building a united front and becoming a team. In time, your efforts. Your hard work. It will help the valley to grow back into what it is meant to be and the magic tree that most have not yet noticed," he slowly looks to his left where a small sapling grows in an unplaced direct patch of sunlight. "Will thrive because of you. The way the other sources of magic are thriving in other kingdoms. You will notice these though, when you travel there if you so chose. My plans will also lead to a new leader being chosen and taking my place. But the only one to replace me will be the one who works the hardest for it."

    And that's what it was about. Finding someone who was truly right for the valley. That was why I was here. That was what my goal is. I don't plan to be here forever. Just long enough to get the ball rolling so to speak. And once it was rolling, it would be up to them and those who come after to keep that ball rolling. Slowly he looks to cress and smiles slightly in her show of support. "Hello, and welcome to the Valley Cress. Thank you for the show of support."


    carnage x adalind

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    RE: the dead are crawling from their graves (ALL KINGDOM) - by demian - 08-27-2015, 09:45 AM

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