Shimmering gold ears flop uselessly atop my crown, flickering with every movement I make. My steps hardly swallow the earth, they are dainty and sure, the only thing I am quite certain is how my hooves sink into the soft ground, lost by the knolls of dying grass and soft earth. My eyes, they drink everything in. the brightness of the day, even for approaching winter's cold reign, it was brighter. But everything was brighter when you relied on one sense.
Teal eyes find someone approaching; I was certain she was going to pass me, they always do. They must sense the dormant ears and the wordless tongue before I even cast them a single look. But she doesn't, she strolls over. And my eyes find every part of her as alluring as what I am sure her voice is. I study her face, watch every motion of her lips. Name. Oh, she wants my name. Her smile is exuberant, it matches her strange additions. Like gnarled roots that intertwine with the mother oak, she is sturdy, strong. And young, still limber enough to traverse greater than most.
Then another joins. His eyes are what pierce through me; crimson and impenetrable. I shiver then, finding his gaze most mistrustful. I try and capture his lips, but they move too fast and from what I gather, it isn't the pleasantries the first mare offers. I shake my head, dormant ears twitching, lost within the mounds of cream and gold. I open my mouth, salmon tongue moistening lips, before I word, silently, every syllable attempting to roll off my tonge.
Elyvian. silent, it is always silent. Always the whirr of nothingness. An oblivion. Perhaps, perhaps this is what death would sound like as someone took the final blow. I shiver at the thought, just as the cold breeze knots my mane and caresses my thin skin. I am Elyvian. I mouth, turning my bright teal gaze to the ash mottled girl. Trying to smile, trying to do. I feel the ghostly man's gaze dig ever deeper, as if trying to stretch errant fingers into my soul. Proving into the throes of my heart. His stare is troubling all the same. I stare at him, pointedly, teal eyes like glass, fragile and reflective. I mouth, purposefully. Very rude to stare.
you don't remember me, but I remember you